3 posts tagged with MetaFiltercommunity.
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I miss our CD swaps. Where to buy 1-2 GIG bulk micro SD card

I am looking to buy 1-2gig micro SD cards in bulk since CD swaps are history. While CDs are mostly dead, I'd bet most ppl here use Micro SD cards. I loved those swaps, I got some really great music, got more appreciation of "us" here at MetaFilter. [more inside]
posted by dancestoblue on Oct 26, 2021 - 25 comments

Cultivating Community

What do y'all think about adding another sub-site, one explicitly oriented to fostering community? I envision a sub-site where people could post significant personal news, achievements or challenges without the framing of an AskMe: these are announcements, not questions, e.g., I lost 20 lbs or had a baby or converted the garage into a bedroom. [more inside]
posted by carmicha on Feb 29, 2016 - 302 comments

A IRL project, based upon Metafilter postings.

Ok, so I work for a Public Access television station. I am finally getting to the point where I have time, and a possible team of people to help me produce my own show for our channels. While brainstorming for ideas, or whenever I am just out walking and thinking to myself, I often find myself mulling over the many myriad of things that I have learned over the years of reading Metafilter, and how much I can definitely credit the users of Metafilter for enlightening me on many subjects that are often either overlooked in the mainstream media, or are contentious current social issues that many times require them to be unpacked and explained through either individual personal experience, or through often very engaging discussions with participants from all walks of life, many times with input from actual experts in the subjects that are discussed. So my idea was to make each show based around some of the fantastic posts that I have found on Metafilter, and I would like to use some of the information that users have provided. [more inside]
posted by daq on Jul 18, 2014 - 18 comments

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