15 posts tagged with Newsfilter and etiquette.
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newsfilter. don't we have an unspoken rule in these cases to let a couple days pass until a full FPP can be created? Nope, looks like that rule is not only unspoken, but unenforced and generally unthought of. One might even describe it as non-existent.

I would like clarification on this aspect please. The first sentence is mine. [more inside]
posted by infini on Aug 7, 2011 - 71 comments

When is Enough Enough?

Should I have learned a lesson from this? [more inside]
posted by timsteil on Feb 19, 2008 - 41 comments

One thread for midterm elections day 2006?

Can we have an election day thread? Is that too NewsFilter? I can't think of what would make an appropriate link for an FPP on the blue, but here's the Tradesports lines at least. (Predictions, drinking games, oh yeah, and news/links are probably in order as well.) (And popcorn.)
posted by spiderwire on Nov 7, 2006 - 78 comments

Judiciousness in Lebanon newsfilter

Considering the recent events in Lebanon, can we perhaps consider a bit of extra judiciousness with postings like this one,and commenting therein if they stay up? I don't think anyone questions the gravity of the situation there, but most posts dealing with it are basically Newsfilter situations that devolve into extremely impassioned flamewars and insoluble arguments about the validity of a number of Big Issues.
posted by clockzero on Jul 30, 2006 - 96 comments

Ignore and move on already.

Demanding "newsfilter" + commenting in thread anyway = me wanting to kill you.
posted by fleacircus on Oct 31, 2005 - 38 comments

Yet another newsfilter post

Yet another newsfilter post featuring a topic that's being covered all over the US media but that's OK, because it concerns a bad thing involving a Republican. And if it were the same topic but involved a high profile Democrat? Then it'd be shouted down with comments about how it's a bad post.
posted by jperkins on Sep 23, 2005 - 77 comments

And more newsfilter....

Now might be a bad time, but PartisanFilter (#1, #2, #3, #4) today seems hardly "the best of the web." Particularly focused on #1 as it's just an "ActionAlert' for something that somebody thinks is Really Imporant and was already discussed in a NewsFilter FPP two days ago.
posted by thedevildancedlightly on May 9, 2005 - 261 comments

This is a solid example of a lame 'newsfilter' post.

Submitted for discussion: This is a solid example of a lame 'newsfilter' post. A link to a very brief local news story with zero attempt at intelligent context.
posted by mediareport on Apr 2, 2005 - 41 comments

Who is right, in the US centric vs Newsfilter debate

What does the reaction to this post tell us? Myabe it's just a statistical blip, but I'm a bit surprised at the very vocal negative reaction to this bit of US-centric front-page/TV news as contrasted to the reaction to the NewsFilter posts we get every single day. Why are the naysayers in this thread right when the anti-NewsFilteristas are not? What, exactly, is different?
posted by Ethereal Bligh on Aug 18, 2004 - 78 comments

Snarky newsfilter criticisms are bad.

EB: "c"? WTF? GYOBFW. [MI]
posted by PrinceValium on Jun 24, 2004 - 70 comments

Death of Reagan observed on Metafilter

The Media will be inundated (if it isn't already) with retrospectives on Reagan. I don't need Metafilter front page posts help me find them. Thank you.
posted by vacapinta on Jun 7, 2004 - 36 comments

personalities cannot evade policies

i know! i'll get away with this suck filled newsfilter post by invoking the crunchland mojo!!!
posted by quonsar on Nov 3, 2003 - 57 comments

Can we criticize?

It's great that Matt is just one of the guys when it comes to posting but, with respect, this post of his seems way below average. It's a short news item, from a big media source, which will already be known to those who follow the news. The post, though, is not the point. My question is "To what extent are we allowed - or able - to criticize his posts as if he were just another user?" Is it ungracious, ungrateful or downright rude, for instance? Fwiw, my opinion is that special treatment and undue deference are just as annoying and even insulting.
posted by MiguelCardoso on Oct 2, 2003 - 135 comments

"This is MetaFilter, not NewsFilter, asshat"

"This is MetaFilter, not NewsFilter, asshat": a delightful namecheck from the crucial, irrepressible Misanthropic Bitch, echoing a worthy sentiment and a cause by now well lost. (Received by e-mail, with thanks.)
posted by MiguelCardoso on Sep 22, 2003 - 87 comments

Possibly the first newsfilter complaint?

Has MeFi become NewsFi recently (esp. since 9/11)?
posted by msacheson on Oct 12, 2001 - 22 comments

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