13 posts tagged with Profiles and profile.
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Updating profiles
Okay, this is totally stupid but it keeps bothering me. I have a lot of trouble updating my profile picture. [more inside]
Treat member's websites as external links?
I have my preferences set to open links in a new window, but if I click on a user's website from their Profile page, the site opens in the same window. Is it possible to get those links to act like other external links? Is there a downside to changing it that I'm not seeing?
spread the jam
Super minor pony request: the option to add a This Is My Jam updating widget to profiles? [more inside]
Interesting Profiles?
Is there a good collection of recent interesting/informative mefite profiles? If not can you all suggest some to me? [more inside]
We all know Deezil has an awesome profile.. who else?
What are some really cool mefite profiles? [more inside]
Nice work, deezil.
deezil has an excellent spyware removal/virus removal guide in his profile. Are there other members with similarly useful content?
High signal profiles
I find that Mutant's profile is full of useful information, about himself and his areas of expertise. Do you guys know of any other profiles with useful and interesting information, particularly about specialty subjects?
Comments signal to noise ratios in profile?
Pony Request: Signal to Noise ratio on profiles? [more inside]
interesting profiles
We have profiles: [more inside]
Should banned users' profiles reflect the reason for their status?
If a user is banned for blatantly violating the no-self-link rule, would it be a good idea to either a) note the banning on that person's user page or b) delete the user page entirely? Seems strange to keep a user page from someone who took a dump on the community.
Callout/Etiquette: please have the courtesy to put email in profile
Proposed : That if you're going to incessantly troll threads and insult people's intelligence, all in an infuriatingly supercilious and unctuous tone that seems intended to inflame, you should at least have the courtesy to provide an email address on your profile, disposable or otherwise.
What are some great profile pages?
vacapinta's extraordinary user page sadly no longer seems to be updated - any other user page treats I'm missing out on?
announcement: non-logged in users can no longer see contact info.
I made a slight change to the user pages. Logged in users see everything as it was before, but non-logged in users don't see any contact information except for websites URLs. I had long worried about the spam thwarting measures I have employed not being good enough, and I've also been hearing about non-members hassling members for memberships, posting, etc. So with the new change, non-members won't be able to harvest addresses, or send you an email (unless you've got it listed on your homepage URL somewhere), and they won't know your AIM/ICQ or location.