122 posts tagged with Profiles.
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I want to listen to all of your songs

I once found (and bookmarked) this page of all of chococat's music. I like it because it has the little flash player, so I can listen to all of his tunes. How do I get to the same kind of page for other MeFi Musicians? I've tried looking on members' profile pages, but the link to all of their songs goes to the music parts of their Activity pages. Thanks.
posted by bluefly on Jul 10, 2007 - 11 comments

Dog tags.

My profile says I posted two AskMes tagged with "dog", but I really haven't.
posted by goodnewsfortheinsane on Jun 20, 2007 - 48 comments

No E-mail? No? Really? Why not?

Please to put an email in your profile? Most of us don't bite, really. Okay, sure - if your "persona" here is attack-nerd or something, and you're sure you'll get spammed with hate mail, leave it out, but if you're a regular user who likes to participate, can't you at least set up a throwaway webmail address (in gmail, for one, you can create a filter to forward your messages to your regular mail, and you won't even have to log in to your account to check if you have any new messages). more...
posted by taz on Jun 15, 2007 - 165 comments

Adding original post title to 'Favorited'

I don't know if the 'Activity' link on the profile page is still a work in progress. But, if so, how about adding a little bit of context to the Favorited tab? It's not very useful with just a couple of lines from the post and a date.
posted by BigSky on May 23, 2007 - 1 comment

Now with six more pieces of flair

Minor feature add: you can set your flickr username in your account, and it will automatically grab your last six photos uploaded and add them to your userpage.
posted by mathowie on May 23, 2007 - 214 comments

Freedom! We're better than Myspace!

I added a new feature: Custom CSS for profile pages. You simply create a .css file on your own server, write whatever CSS you want, and it will load after all the mefi CSS when anyone views your user page. Here's mine (which loads this). Just plop in the URL of your custom CSS file on your server in your user prefs. Be sure to post here when you've got something cool to show. Let the ugliness/coolness begin!
posted by mathowie on Apr 14, 2007 - 185 comments

dhtml titles still showing up even though I don't want them to.

Yesterday I decided to explore editing my user profile and decided to try out the "Show dhtml link titles." Upon giving it a try I decided I didn't like it and turned it off, then saved my preferences. The dhtml titles still show up though. I just double checked and my preferences are still set to "no" for that setting. Anyone else having trouble turning these off?
posted by pwb503 on Mar 7, 2007 - 7 comments

User Profile Page

Is there a page that links to all user profiles? Just curious.
posted by snsranch on Jan 12, 2007 - 15 comments

Profile Changes Borked MeFi

Early Sunday morning I made two minor changes to my user page (added my new blog's address, changed the text in the location line), and when I saved the changes and viewed my user page again, it and every other page of MeFi suddenly appeared as white with black text. And so it has remained. If I delete cookies and log out, I see it in blue, grey and green, but not otherwise. Why has this happened and how can I fix it? I dislike the white so much I can't stand to read the site.
posted by orange swan on Nov 14, 2006 - 5 comments

Profile URLs

I know the issue of commercial urls in user profiles has been discussed and neither Matt nor Jess give a damn. But really, this is too much.
posted by felix betachat on Nov 13, 2006 - 20 comments

Why do some people still have images in their profiles?

Why, in the great image purge, did some folks lose the images in their profiles while other members still have images in their profiles? I click to people's profiles to see who I'm talking to and I've noticed some members whose images seem to have survived the purge while mine did not. What's up with that? Is the image tag ban really useful and necessary?
posted by taosbat on Nov 6, 2006 - 168 comments

My profile won't let me delete my homepage URL

Bug report: My profile won't let me delete my homepage URL. Changing the field to blank has no effect. The best I can do is make homepage: none
posted by Popular Ethics on Aug 30, 2006 - 10 comments

Profiles: linking to commercial sites not OK?

Are we not supposed to have commercial homepage urls in our profiles?
posted by leapingsheep on Aug 29, 2006 - 19 comments

Profile Changes

Suggested Posting History order:
Ask MeFi:
MeFi Projects:
MeFi Music:

So that it matches the order of the navigation across the top?

Capitalizing 'Member Since' would be good too, to match the other page elements. I'll go away and stop being anal-retentive now.
posted by Kickstart70 on Aug 28, 2006 - 28 comments

Can You Search Profiles?

Is there a way to search profiles? I want to see if there are any members in a certain city (not near where I live, so the ones listed in my profile don't help).
posted by Framer on Jun 28, 2006 - 11 comments

Cluttered Profile

It's been a while since I visited my profile page. In doing so, I found it to be far more cluttered and loaded with information than it used to be. Can we get some options to hide some of these things (like top ten tags)?

For example, if I have no contacts, why not just hide any text about it? Why does it have to say that I have no contacts? If I have no projects or favorites, why not just hide that information instead of saying that I don't have any?

And can't that big long "What's the deal with your nickname..." text be shortened to "Personal Info" or something similar?
posted by BradNelson on Jun 17, 2006 - 35 comments

Can we have pictures of ourselves?

With meetups gearing up, and an eventual section to handle this being engineered (did I read that right?) - would it make sense to have an area that allowed/promoted users to upload (links to) images of themselves?
posted by strawberryviagra on Apr 26, 2006 - 8 comments

Add a fantastic flag scoreboard to profiles

Idea: Add links to a person's fantastic posts/comments/answers to their profile pages, as a kind of personal scoreboard.

Been wondering how to give people "attaboys" for good commentary and answers. Why not list these accomplishments on their profile pages? I did some searches, and the idea has been proposed before, but I can't find a similar suggestion that's more recent than four years ago.

Profiles already have links to a person's posts, and if I drill down I can see which ones have been flagged as fantastic -- so why not put this front and center on the profiles?
posted by frogan on Mar 25, 2006 - 32 comments

Blurb on Profiles

What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say "wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?" Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it.

Shouldn't this chatty blurb appear only on the new user info form?
posted by squirrel on Mar 3, 2006 - 60 comments

Sockpuppet policies?

Is there or should there be a policy concerning accounts of people that admit to being sockpuppet accounts? [mi]
posted by slater on Feb 10, 2006 - 81 comments

anyone else getting this spam which appears to be harvested from mefi profile pages?

Just curious. I got the following in my in-box, anyone else getting this spam which appears to be harvested from mefi profile pages?

...I saw that you had art related sites, but we know that this doesn't have much to do with poker. As such, we would like to work with you for text space on your Mefi profile. We see ourselves liking Mefi traffic and think you make good posts that can attract people to your profile....

Fools!!! They must not have read my FPPs, good posts indeed, pffft.
posted by edgeways on Feb 8, 2006 - 59 comments

Did you disable unicode support in profiles?

Hey, matt. Did you disable unicode support in profiles? [more inside]
posted by ハッカー on Jan 11, 2006 - 22 comments

Why don't you put your email address in your profile?

It's good to see you. You're looking well, but I'm curious about something. Why don't you put your email address in your profile? It's just something I've been wondering about so I thought I'd raise it as a way of encouraging people to add their email to their profile page - go on, nothing bad will happen. In fact, good things might just follow.
posted by peacay on Jan 9, 2006 - 100 comments

Searching Profile Pages

Is there a way to search user profile pages for certain words? I was trying to add a 'MetaGame' keyword to my page for use by geekily Mefites to match up in online games (MMORPGs, Live!, Nintendo Wifi, etc) for some constructive combat from the safety of our Mom's basement.

Am I missing something obvious, or is the a pony that could be coaxed to life?
posted by robocop is bleeding on Jan 5, 2006 - 10 comments

User Maps

Link to a map on user page? As long as you have the coordinates, creating a link consisting of "http://maps.google.com/?q=lat%20long" would be trivial. Pardon me if this has been suggested already, but I scanned the threads on the lat/long feature and didn't see it.
posted by George_Spiggott on Dec 31, 2005 - 20 comments

Why does font size change after login?

Why does font size change after login?

When I come directly to www.metafilter.com (front page), the body text is displayed at what looks to be the default size for my browser. However, as soon as I click the Login link and login, when I am returned to the FPP, the font size being displayed is now larger.

Using Firefox 1.5, WinXP
posted by Dunwitty on Dec 29, 2005 - 7 comments

MeFi on Google Earth

All MeFi members plotted on Google Earth (screenshot of the Western US). To load it into Google Earth, go to Add, Network Link, then put in http://junk.haughey.com/metafilter.kml in the location field. Wait a minute or so for the file and all points to load and you should be good to go.

That file will be periodically updated, but for now you can zoom around and see who is near you on a grand scale.
posted by mathowie on Dec 28, 2005 - 100 comments

Does anyone have a cached version of my old MeFi profile page

LongShotFilter: Does anyone have a cached version of my old MeFi profile page? [MI]
posted by sjvilla79 on Dec 28, 2005 - 8 comments

Profile Bug

I want to update my other preferences, but I don't want to enter my latitude/longtiude. Trying to do so leads me to an error page about my lat/long coordinates.
posted by hooray on Dec 28, 2005 - 1 comment

Profile Locations

I updated the userpage location stuff. If you haven't noticed, you can now add your latitude/longitude anywhere on earth (not just the US), though I started by converting everyone over from zip codes. I also figured out sorting nearby users by zipcode, and now I'm showing the closest 50 people, along with a google map.

It works great in most cities. Seattle and Boston have a nice layout. SF and NYC are less than perfect because everyone in the same zip code got the same exact location, so points stack up. LA is the worst in that regard. The zoom level of the google map depends on how many people are near you, NYC gets zoomed in, while people in the sticks get zoomed out.
posted by mathowie on Dec 22, 2005 - 106 comments

Changing Passwords

I've clicked all over looking for the place to change my MeFi password. WHere can I find that? It's not in 'Preferences', which was the most obvious choice.
posted by glycolized on Dec 13, 2005 - 6 comments

Could we have the threads/comments we've flagged as "fantastic" somehow noted on our profile pages?

Could we have the threads/comments we've flagged as "fantastic" somehow noted on our profile pages?
posted by gleuschk on Nov 29, 2005 - 14 comments

AskMe Preferences Not Working

No matter what I do in my preferences, the font on AskMefi seems to be stuck (on Times New Roman, I think). My settings work fine on Mefi/Meta, so I guess it must be something to do with the new layout.
posted by Orange Goblin on Nov 23, 2005 - 12 comments

crunchland has the most helpful user page

crunchland has the most helpful user page I've seen here. It's like the entire mefi wiki wrapped up in a single page. Thanks, crunchland.
posted by mathowie on Nov 15, 2005 - 40 comments

I can't even see my own profile

I want to change my profile to include my email address. But I can't even see my own profile. I'm still painfully new to all of this. Please help.
posted by bilabial on Nov 14, 2005 - 8 comments

Interesting profiles

3. Suppose a press gang forces you onto the production crew of a 3-hour pornographic epic starring Whoopi Goldberg and Randy Quaid. What are your favorite MeFi user profile pages?
I've seen some cool ones but can't remember them. Right now COBRA!'s gets my nod because there 13 questions relating to the above mentioned 3-hour epic.
posted by OmieWise on Sep 13, 2005 - 32 comments

Recycling Usernames?

Are usernames becoming recycled? I noticed a new user that I could have sworn had a taken username- it's a username I use often and almost always check for first when signing up places. Or am I imagining all of this?
posted by mkultra on Sep 9, 2005 - 38 comments

Can we add Google Talk to profiles?

Now that Google Talk is up and folk are digging it, can additional messenging service fields be added to the profile customization screen, beyond AIM and ICQ?
posted by jazon on Aug 24, 2005 - 19 comments

Changing My Account

How can I cancel my account? If I can't, how can I change my nick? And if I can't do that, then how can I cancel my account? I kind of ashamed of being a $5 MeFite.
posted by Tlahtolli on Jul 22, 2005 - 115 comments

Not all members get the nickname question in profiles

How come members whose number is higher than 20149 don't get the explanatory "What's the deal with your nickname?" in their profiles?
posted by Rash on Jun 24, 2005 - 16 comments

Changing Screen Names

All I want to do is change my log in or screen name. I have searched the site, and see only that I should email Matt; and I have tried that, but he hasn't had the time, I guess, to respond.

I would rather not have to re-up to get a new name on here. Any suggestions?
posted by swlabr on Apr 28, 2005 - 48 comments

Should banned users' profiles reflect the reason for their status?

If a user is banned for blatantly violating the no-self-link rule, would it be a good idea to either a) note the banning on that person's user page or b) delete the user page entirely? Seems strange to keep a user page from someone who took a dump on the community.
posted by mediareport on Mar 28, 2005 - 41 comments

Is anything automatic ever done with the email field in our profiles?

Matt is anything automatic ever done with the email field in our profiles? [the more she is inside]
posted by Mitheral on Mar 11, 2005 - 9 comments

Hands of Manos' profile page is pretty freaking amazing

While, it'd be nice if you could still see his comments, links, and previous posts, Hands of Manos' profile page is pretty freaking amazing, especially considering the limitations of the space.
posted by mathowie on Feb 9, 2005 - 45 comments

User Profile Semantics

Wording in user profiles seems to be off:

abiku has posted no links 8 comments to MetaFilter
and no threads and no comments to MetaTalk

I believe there should be an "and" in between "links" and "8" on the first line.
posted by abiku on Jan 19, 2005 - 6 comments

I'd like to encourage new members to provide more information in their user profile.

I'd like to encourage new members to provide more information in their user profile. [more inside]
posted by lobakgo on Dec 31, 2004 - 57 comments

Resetting Passwords

Metafilter is one of the only membership sites on the web that doesn't allow a user to reset their password. Now that you have some help with the coding, and to facilitate sponsored memberships and take some of the workload off of you (not to mention provide all the normal benefits that prompt sites to allow password changing), wouldn't it make sense to add a password change widget to the site? This can't be very complicated coding. Or is there some specific reason why you don't want this feature?
posted by rushmc on Nov 19, 2004 - 27 comments

how about a customize option to have links open in new Tabs?

Given the recent Firefox release / post, how about a customize option to have links open in new Tabs?
(Not sure about the technical ease / feasibility)
posted by daveg on Nov 11, 2004 - 25 comments

How about an "occupation" blank on the user pages?

How about an "occupation" blank on the user pages?
posted by interrobang on Jun 1, 2004 - 42 comments

Can I open all links in new tabs?

Is there a way (currently or hypothetically) to customize my account to open exterior links in a new tab, if I'm using that kind of browser? Just curious.
posted by DenOfSizer on Feb 28, 2004 - 6 comments

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