11 posts tagged with challenges and music.
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Thanks for all the Music
Let's hear it for MetaFilter Music: 5,000+ posts and going strong. I love all of you, from the fine musicians to the devoted commenters and playlisters, to the mods who coded and managed it, to the thousands* of record label execs who've found their next pop star lurking in the shadows here. Here's to another 5,000 posts, then another 5,000, then after that we can re-evaluate. Sincere and heartfelt thanks to everyone who's ever contributed, commented, made a playlist, listened to a tune, or even planned to and hasn't gotten around to it.
See within for some fun MeFi Music links, and a little bit of a primer on how to get your feet wet in our warm little musical community!
*Citation needed [more inside]
See within for some fun MeFi Music links, and a little bit of a primer on how to get your feet wet in our warm little musical community!
*Citation needed [more inside]
Return of the Return of the MeFi Music Challenge
ANNOUNCING: The reinstatement of the MetaFilter Music Challenge! (*cue applause*) REQUESTING: Your ideas on Challenge categories and structure. [more inside]
Mefi Musicians... up for a challenge?
This is too weak for the blue (and many will say for the grey as well), and I'm too close to him for it not to be a "self-link," but I thought that some MeMu users may be interested in Sufjan Stevens' Xmas Song Swap. [more inside]
Ain't nothin' goin' on but the rent.
It's November 4th. Next MeFi Music Challenge(s) please! [more inside]
Make a joyful noise.
First MeFi Music Challenge? 27 eager participants got their feet wet. Second Challenge? 12 serpentine submissions. Third? 9 MeFiers took it to the bridge. Fourth and most recent? 7 made the suprhuman effort. This is not a promising trend... [more inside]
music challenge topic
Can't seem to find this month's music challenge topic. Is there one?
We got snakey.
So, the call went out, and the call was answered: we got us some fine and snakey new songs around MeFi Town. 'Bout half as many as poured in for the previous water theme, but I reckon that's to be expected, sophomore slump and all. Just wondering, now that we're two days past the serpentine deadline, what's the next MeFi Music Challenge, admins?
Mefi Music Challenge #1 wrap-up etc
The first Metafilter Music Challenge, "water", has officially deadlined, with 27 entries as of this writing. Fantastic! A whole lot more below the fold, so come inside!
Music Challenge: what is the last day of the Water Theme?
better music challenges
Meta Music filter. As a newbie, I was a touch underwhelmed by the recent song challenge. "The theme of water" seems so broad as to be kind of, well, boring. Why not 'love' or 'nature' or 'loneliness.' Might I suggest something a bit more kooky, esoteric, and actually challenging for the next one. Something along the lines of, "you make me touch your hands for stupid reasons." (via)
Maybe nothing that gimmicky, but come on! Can't we do better?
And Now For Something Completely Thematic
Announcing the Metafilter Music Challenge! After a discussion here last month, we're starting up an opt-in theme-based challenge over at Music. A bit more inside!