2 posts tagged with intoxicated by snsranch.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.
Blessings for MetaFilter.
A Lepechaun's wish: Metafilter, may ye last for a thousand years and make Mathowie the Prez of the U.S.! May all of your MeFi souls rest peacefully tonight after havin' too many pints of green ale/beer. And Praise the lord for the world is a better place for havin' Metafilter in it. For those of us living here and there, may our souls return safely home!
Sometimes, like in threads like this, it seems that some are either commiting PUI (posting under the influence) or PWI (posting while intoxicated). What is the correct terminology? (I ask because I do it all the time and it would make a great disclaimer!)