5 posts tagged with profile and Askme.
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BTW: I am a cat

Geneva Uswazi's profile made me crack up.
posted by The Whelk on Mar 16, 2012 - 77 comments

Highlighting best answers in profile

Would there be a way to either determine the percentage of a user's responses to AskMe are marked as "Best Answer", and/or be able to list out only those response marked as "best answer" to be displayed as part of a user's profile?
posted by Doohickie on Jan 10, 2007 - 95 comments

List of your top ten answered tags from AskMe?

Tags: User profiles show "Top ten tags used on Ask MetaFilter posts" -- which is neat!, but would it maybe be really neat if there were a "Top ten tags used on Ask MetaFilter answers"? I know that what I've asked about and what I've answered to are in pretty different realms.
posted by mimi on Mar 16, 2006 - 13 comments

Profile page answer counts shouldn't include follow-ups.

I think that in the profile pages, the answer count for Ask MetaFilter should exclude the user's own comments in their own questions.
posted by Sharcho on Mar 12, 2006 - 36 comments

Will stats for AskMe be available on the profile page?

Are we adding stats for AskMe to a user's info page? That is how I mostly keep track of threads in which I am usually only marginally involved. If this has been covered before I openly apologize.
posted by xmutex on Jan 30, 2004 - 3 comments

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