Posts with Recent Comments

CQ CQ Metafilter Hams?

I know of at least one Mefite ham out there - are there any others? After a lifetime of watching my dad sit at his rig, and one go at a Novice license about twenty years ago (I got reasonably good at CW and then somehow never tested), I am now a brand new Technician and learning to play around on a Yaesu handheld. I am still in the "nod and smile" phase of listening to other hams talk, but I'm gearing up to take the general at some point. I'd love to see how many other Metafilter hams there are...
posted by PussKillian on May 12 at 2:05 PM - 36 comments

How To Check Youtube Region Blocking

I occasionally see comments about youtube being blocked by region. There are ways for posters/commentors to check preemptively, or for the site to do so with some dev work.
posted by Chrysopoeia on May 31 at 10:32 AM - 4 comments


Almost a year ago I posted this pony request. I appreciate how a few people started to get into it, but then it died out, as these things do. But I still want my pony, and while I don't have the time or skill to do it myself, I do have a little extra money, so here's my offer:
posted by hypnogogue on May 1 at 1:21 PM - 20 comments

Metatalktail Hour: The Song Remembers When

What's a song that reliably conjures up a very specific time/moment/place/person from your past?
posted by the primroses were over on May 6 at 5:38 AM - 42 comments

Metatalktail Hour: Mama Said

It's Mothers Day weekend in some places. What's something your mother told you that sticks with you? (Or a mother figure told you: TV mom, teacher, friend with strong maternal energy...) Advice, jokes, songs, shaggy dog stories, facts, aphorisms, etc.
posted by the primroses were over on May 13 at 7:22 AM - 52 comments

please consider content warnings for AI interaction

i would like to respectfully ask the community to please consider placing some textual warnings in FPP text when linking directly to websites that will lead to interaction with chatGPT or similar machine-learning systems.
posted by glonous keming on May 12 at 6:15 AM - 195 comments

eotvos memorial service details - May 13

Chicago area MeFites (and others): there will be a memorial service for eotvos (Erik Shirokoff) on Saturday May 13, 2023 both in person and over Zoom. Details can be found on this page. I am passing along this notification at the request of his friend Martin.
posted by jessamyn on May 6 at 10:00 AM - 27 comments

Metatalktail Hour: Vexing Grammar

Merry weekend, friends! Today I'd like to use my words to ask about the grammar and usage issues that vex you the most, either in their observance or non-observance, or possibly just in their DNA.
posted by taz on Apr 22 at 2:18 AM - 261 comments

Best way to link to Instagram posts in Metafilter?

I would like to create a post on Metafilter, about some instagram content that's not available anywhere else on the web. What's the best way to link to this content so that people without Instagram can easily view it?
posted by Zumbador on May 7 at 10:29 PM - 28 comments

I'll See You In My Dreams

Ask Metafilter made a cameo in my dreams last night. In my dream the family dog's coat dramatically changed color and no one could explain it. I told my family I would pose a question on Ask Metafilter to see if anyone out there could. That's it. I woke up before I could get an answer. Has anyone else had Metafilter related dreams?
posted by brookeb on Apr 28 at 10:31 AM - 24 comments

Policies on Trans Issues: Current and Future

This post includes Information from loup about how the site's policies on trans people/issues are currently implemented including how transphobic content, sources and members are dealt with, the information they've given me about planned changes based on some brief feedback I've given, and an invitation for other trans members to share their thoughts, concerns, feedback, and suggestions
posted by Chrysopoeia on Apr 1 at 11:45 AM - 115 comments

Site Update

Following up on some concerns raised in MetaTalk threads from a few weeks ago about the role of the Steering Committee and having volunteers working for a for-profit company. This is not the outcome we were hoping for, but it's the one we got.
posted by jessamyn on Mar 29 at 2:26 PM - 89 comments

[MeFi Site Update] April 19th

Hi there, MetaFilter!

Welcome to your monthly Site Update! You’ll find some updates regarding the site below. I’m looking forward to your feedback and questions.

Reminder: I will be the only mod monitoring this thread so please be patient as I reply to your feedback and questions.

posted by loup on Apr 19 at 6:00 PM - 38 comments

Community Free Chat Threads

This should not be paid moderator work. Let's discuss.
posted by Meatbomb on Apr 20 at 9:24 AM - 88 comments

Metatalktail Hour: Snack Unpack

Happy weekend, everyone! It's rainy and maybe a little chilly out. You're snuggled up under a comfy blanket on a comfy couch with something special to watch or read, and snacks to enjoy while you do it. What are those snacks?
posted by taz on Apr 15 at 2:00 AM - 47 comments

Proposal to make it easier to make lists on AskMetafilter

Because I like the podcast True Stories I am on their Facebook fan page and someone there asked what other podcasts do you like. There were many responses, many repeats, very hard to read and keep track in my head. So I made a paper list. People often ask for what other (blank) do you like? here and I haven't made a paper list yet, I usually just bookmark the page and never come back to it. In Evernote web clipper I can chose to "save simplified article" which cuts out all the chaff. I would love something similar on AskMeta. My wishes:
posted by cda on Apr 19 at 5:12 AM - 14 comments

WNBA Fantasy

Would there be interest in a Metafilter WNBA fantasy league if I organized one?
posted by joycehealy on Apr 12 at 5:54 AM - 3 comments

Post (Comment?) on the Blue About History's Lost Artists (Creatives?)

I have the textual equivalent of an earworm from a MetaFilter post (or comment) I'm hoping you can help me dispel.
posted by xenization on Apr 12 at 1:31 PM - 4 comments

What is MetaFilter's Astrological sign?

posted by Fizz on Mar 31 at 1:13 PM - 37 comments

Too Many Links

This post is a revised version of a comment I posted a little while ago on this post on the blue by kliuless. My complaint was that the post was really more of a linkdump than a coherent post. It's not the first time kliuless has done this, but I'm not singling them out -- I'm pretty sure I've seen other users do the same thing.
posted by Artifice_Eternity on Mar 21 at 12:38 PM - 212 comments

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