upper west side fallout November 27, 2005 8:36 AM   Subscribe

upper west side fallout
posted by dorian to MetaFilter Gatherings at 8:36 AM (149 comments total)

post mortem:

the bartender, jeffrey, was awesome. sadly we have neither pics of, nor shoutouts to, him. I'm not sure if it's the same bartender ch1x0r knows, 'cos he said he was fairly new (and I'd not seen him there before) but he rocked regardless.

thepinksuperhero's hair was also awesome. the photos don't come close to showing the true cuteness. the nice+cute donkey definitely gots some competition.

nb: most of the photos were not taken by me. which explains why they don't suck as much as usual. but damn your scaly hide stickycarpet, we need you!

one of the first ones was there, but chose to remain nameless.

nobody's pants kicked ass.

there was spirited instruction on how to throw the mefi gang-sign, and an obligatory sharing of florida driver's licenses.

so, in attendance:
gaspode, and her man steve
jonmc (sans plaid)
nameless first one
onalark, and his friends toni braxton and el jefe

if I left anyone out, apologies -- I may have been drinking.

also, my landlady made banana bread for me. so I had a tasty treat when I got home.
posted by dorian at 8:36 AM on November 27, 2005

fallout? thanks a lot. ;>
posted by jonmc at 8:38 AM on November 27, 2005

I'm honored. Thanks.
posted by Kwanzaar at 8:51 AM on November 27, 2005

lools like fun, and that's an adorable haircut, pixiegirl! : >

thanks for the shoutout--i'm still all weezy and sneezy, so i thought i'd pass--tell me about the pants, tho--what's so fab about em?
posted by amberglow at 8:57 AM on November 27, 2005

Oh, snap!
posted by squirrel at 9:04 AM on November 27, 2005

I need to learn how to drink. I suck. Twas fun though while I lasted. The bartender was superb. Great place.

They even had Miss Pac Man and classic Galaga. That was my demise. Following those ghosts did me in. /sloppy drunk.
posted by Lola_G at 9:04 AM on November 27, 2005

Also, Nobody has a gorgeous head of hair and sexy beard.

He just f'n rocks.
posted by Lola_G at 9:08 AM on November 27, 2005

He's also a great ballplayer.
posted by jonmc at 9:13 AM on November 27, 2005

hard to say, amber -- just some nice simple pinstripe pants that looked really good.

he's also one of the rangers, apparently.
posted by dorian at 9:18 AM on November 27, 2005

That was fun, folks.
posted by gaspode at 9:43 AM on November 27, 2005

I'm glad you liked the pants, Dorian. I found them in one of the East Village's rare true-to-life thrift shops. (You know it's a real thrift shop when they have bras stuffed into plastic bins).
posted by nobody at 10:08 AM on November 27, 2005

Oh, swoon. She even capitalized the initial E! I couldn't've wished for a sexier first MeFi shoutout!

If I can stay with some friends/family for a few days, I'd love to hit NYC for a meetup in Dec/Jan during the intersemester break. jonmc and I have much to discuss, and many flannels to wear over our various concert t-shirts. I may even be able to dig up my quonsrÿche t-shirt (sorry, I don't have one for quons of the stone age). I might even have one of my dad's old ROU Speedwagon shirts I can bring along for anyone else who wants to get in on the action.
posted by Eideteker at 10:16 AM on November 27, 2005

Aw, thanks guys. I had to work & then I sawm this morning: there was no drinking time. Next time, I promise. (Unless it's 3 Dec. or 28 Jan.)

Also, not only is nobody hot, but he's been in my bed. So there.
posted by dame at 10:29 AM on November 27, 2005

Also, the haircut is mucho cute.
posted by dame at 10:32 AM on November 27, 2005

It's even cuter in person. I'm thinking of donating some trimmers to the maintenance cause.
posted by nobody at 10:37 AM on November 27, 2005

At some point in the evening I seem to have acquired a rather phallic green cigarette lighter. Disturbing.

I'm also disappointed that there was no photographic evidence of my death-defying pratfall.
posted by jonmc at 10:39 AM on November 27, 2005

No pictures of gaspode? She remains my woman of mystery.
posted by matildaben at 10:43 AM on November 27, 2005

I woke up at 4:30 this morning and my first thought was
"My God, jonmc fell over and he just had surgery."

Isn't that the free lighter you got at the deli? No?

I hope you weren't hurt, jon.
posted by Lola_G at 10:44 AM on November 27, 2005

Eidetecker: That would be awesome. I am a bit wide-eyed in that picture but I had to give you love!

Dame, you and the Linguist were missed.
posted by Lola_G at 10:45 AM on November 27, 2005

Isn't that the free lighter you got at the deli?

Oh, yeah.

I hope you weren't hurt, jon.

I'm fine, I didn't land on my kidney. There was mefi boys night out (with vidiot and chicobangs) where we got really hammered in a bar that had previously been owned by Al Qaeda where a drunk woman told me I needed to get my eyebrows waxed.

I woke up with unexplained bruises all over my flank.

After reconstructing the evening, I realized that I'd done a drunken gainer over the perpendicular seats on the N train. Hang onto the crossbar. Important safety tip.
posted by jonmc at 10:49 AM on November 27, 2005

dorian, anything come of this
fallout-wise? I must admit I don't understand the history here.

But I am getting the feeling there should be a penalty called on DaShiv for this.
posted by StickyCarpet at 11:05 AM on November 27, 2005

Hawt monkey chikas No comment.
posted by DaShiv at 11:10 AM on November 27, 2005

Dame, you and the Linguist were missed.

Not enough to get a fucking shoutout though! I NEVER get shoutouts. The hell with you all. You're all complete bastards.

So, Hell's Kitchen next? Or maybe Revival again?
posted by CunningLinguist at 11:15 AM on November 27, 2005

stickycarpet: naow, I think I was too late and too insulting. monkeyfilter is good people (although I've met not many of them) and certainly there is some crossover in membership. a west-side-story-esque gangfight would not go amiss.

also: I thought it better not to document jon's fall, but maybe I should've after all... good times.

also also: yeah I too found it weird there were no pics of gaspode, shame on whoever was wielding the camera.
posted by dorian at 11:15 AM on November 27, 2005

oy, 'linguist
posted by dorian at 11:17 AM on November 27, 2005

Woohoo! A boobie shoutout!
posted by mr_crash_davis at 11:18 AM on November 27, 2005

Oh. Ahem. Not bastards at all, it seems. I love you all.
posted by CunningLinguist at 11:19 AM on November 27, 2005

jonmc: ...rather phallic...

So, is this you?
posted by StickyCarpet at 11:31 AM on November 27, 2005

no, I think we're still bastards.

so I'd gotten there a little early and was playing at some billiards with the estimable jeffrey, when a man and woman walked in, came towards me looking a little confused.

I went over to them, stuck out my hand, and said, "metafilter?"

and the woman said, "what?!"

and I said, "metafilter! I'm dorian."

and she said, "are you speaking german?"

said I, "meta. filter."

said she, "can you spell that?"

"meta, as in meta-information. filter as in, well, a filter."

"I'm sorry that makes no sense to me whatever."

and it sort of degenerated from there...
posted by dorian at 11:32 AM on November 27, 2005

See, CunningLinguist, you were missed!

Fun night, all. Thanks for loving (or pretending to love) the hair. I might need to take y'alls advice and keep up maintenance myself- I cannot pay the lady's haircut price for this as often as I'll need it trimmed.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 11:53 AM on November 27, 2005 [1 favorite]

Dorian, that is awesome.
posted by dame at 11:54 AM on November 27, 2005

I cannot pay the lady's haircut price for this as often as I'll need it trimmed.

One word: flowbee.
posted by StickyCarpet at 11:57 AM on November 27, 2005

Now, that's what I call dialogue. With a little tinkering, you can get a great screenplay out of that.

Thanks for the shoutout, y'all!
posted by languagehat at 11:57 AM on November 27, 2005

So, is this you?

of course not. anything phallic of mine would've blocked the entire shot.
posted by jonmc at 11:58 AM on November 27, 2005

And yes, the bartender was awesome. He made me two drinks right when I got there, and by the time I went to leave, he was off duty, and I'm like, don't I owe you money? And he's all, uhh, I don't think so, that was a long time ago, but come back and keep me company! He's there early on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.

Can't believe we got no pics of gaspode! Ultra cute lady.

And if scarabic comes 'round here, tell him I have e-mail proof of him calling me a manhater, from waaaaay back in February. But all was said in (drunken) jest my friend- all is forgiven and now I'm just madly in love with your good looks.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 12:03 PM on November 27, 2005 [1 favorite]

Lola: We lefties have to stick together.
posted by Eideteker at 1:17 PM on November 27, 2005

man. you guys seemed to have fun. it's a shame i missed it :(
posted by Stynxno at 1:29 PM on November 27, 2005

Next time I will run in front of a camera.

jon, I'm glad to here you're OK. You hit the ground really fucking hard. More importantly, you dropped your drink! That waste of alcohol will not be tolerated.
posted by gaspode at 1:50 PM on November 27, 2005

to *hear* you're OK. damn.
posted by gaspode at 1:51 PM on November 27, 2005

btw steve was fun to talk to, but I think we scared him rather than convincing him to become one of us.
posted by dorian at 1:55 PM on November 27, 2005

Ditto on onalark's friends, as well.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 2:00 PM on November 27, 2005 [1 favorite]

yeah I hope onalark's friends did not take too much offense at the unfounded "no more math jokes dammit" comments, 'cos (a) they were very cool and (2) hell, I am a math beyond-geek and have papers to prove it.

but: we greatly lament the absence of onalark's theoretical hot sister.
posted by dorian at 2:03 PM on November 27, 2005

Indeed! I've seen pictures, she's very cue.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 2:06 PM on November 27, 2005 [1 favorite]

she's very *cute*.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 2:06 PM on November 27, 2005 [1 favorite]

You hit the ground really fucking hard.

Of course, after reading this 20,000 or so mefites are chuckling to themselves and saying "ah, that wacky jonmc, loaded again."

I was only mildly buzzed. It was a chair-related mishap. I did come close to cracking my skull on the edge of the pool table, which would be a poetically appropriate way for me to die.
posted by jonmc at 2:45 PM on November 27, 2005

The bartender I know is Johnny, who works Fridays but I guess not Saturday. Alas! Looks like more fun than my Saturday night either way.
posted by ch1x0r at 4:08 PM on November 27, 2005

ah, that wacky jonmc, loaded again.
posted by bingo at 4:39 PM on November 27, 2005

anything phallic of mine would've blocked the entire shot.

Help me out, here. Does this mean that you have an enormous penis?
posted by horsewithnoname at 7:24 PM on November 27, 2005

No, it means that he has an aunt named Connie Sue who gets off on embroidered quilts.
posted by bingo at 7:55 PM on November 27, 2005

metafilter: anything phallic of mine would've blocked the entire shot out the entire sun
posted by dorian at 8:12 PM on November 27, 2005

love the les. aside from the fact that the joker from whom I was subletting my place on houston still owes me my fscking security deposit back. but yes, so many amazing bars. and places to eat. benny's, julep, win49, mama's, stepmama's. more importantly: the girl at the vietnamese sandwich place still remembers (and flirts with) me; yay.

the brooklyn meetup is on the 7th-ish, but other than that 151 sounds good (never been but a friend is a big fan.)

also: I'm going to be pet/house sitting in uws for the last week of december and first week of january. so lola_g and I were thinking to have another uws meetup sometime then, for whomever peoples are actually around in those two weeks. we could re-do ding ding lounge. or we could do something else, e.g. the belgian frites/mussels/biere place in w4. also loved revival. but, whatever is good.

in any case: the more meetups the better.
posted by dorian at 9:54 PM on November 27, 2005

er, s/ding ding/ding dong/
posted by dorian at 9:58 PM on November 27, 2005

I vote for the place on w4. Both because I like frites and because, well, you know.
posted by dame at 10:07 PM on November 27, 2005

And if scarabic comes 'round here, tell him I have e-mail proof of him calling me a manhater, from waaaaay back in February.

Please send me the comment so I can disown it formally. Damn. That's not the kind of thing I'd ever want to say. Either it was in jest, I was drunk, or I was laboring under the misconception that you *were* a man. Likely all three.

[self flagellates, skates by on looks]
posted by scarabic at 11:08 PM on November 27, 2005

that place on w4 is yuppie hell. It dosen't serve any cheap american beer and plays bad electronic muzak.
posted by jonmc at 11:21 PM on November 27, 2005

and you're an American. they're fries.
posted by jonmc at 11:25 PM on November 27, 2005

couldn't say if it's yuppie hell 'cos everytime I go there it's dead empty. I go there for the beer and food, not the music. and frites are not the same as fries, nyah.

ah, that wacky dorian, loaded again.
(no, really, I am)
posted by dorian at 12:03 AM on November 28, 2005

Fries, where fries? I like fries.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 4:27 AM on November 28, 2005 [1 favorite]

Fries? You guys missed afroblanca's key point: two-for-one til 10

Also, if there's bahn mi nearby, the world would be close to perfect.
posted by CunningLinguist at 5:15 AM on November 28, 2005

I. Love. You. Guys.

Talking about beer already...that bartender was awesome though a great contributor to my early demise.

10:30 pm Mean Lola emerges and S.O. gets a kidney punch in parking lot of McDonald's.

4:30 Guilty Lola awakes to "What did I do last night" thoughts and remembers jonmc's pratfall. Wakes up S.O. to apologize for being a pain in the ass by being an even bigger pain in the ass by waking him up at 4:30 in the morning and being informed of said kidney punch.

I am a mess. Next time I'll just smoke a bowl and drink diet coke. I am much better behaved.
posted by Lola_G at 6:51 AM on November 28, 2005

Yeah, we have to leave the place on w4 before it gets too crowded because it only has one bathroom. Still a good place to start.

Jon, your shtick bores me. Please go fuck yourself.
posted by dame at 7:14 AM on November 28, 2005

[self flagellates, skates by on looks]

Thin ice, scarabic, old boy!
posted by squirrel at 8:58 AM on November 28, 2005

Jon, your shtick bores me.

and yet, you feel compelled to respond to it.

(sorry, no shtick, I find Americans using Euro-isms to be one of the most annoying affectations in existence. )
posted by jonmc at 9:15 AM on November 28, 2005

Enjoy your pemmican, jon.
posted by monju_bosatsu at 9:26 AM on November 28, 2005

Frites are different from fries you uneducated, affected shit. And yeah, your "it's a yuppie place, I only drink crappy beer, wah wah wah" shit is a useless shtick. So fuck off and just leave me alone.
posted by dame at 9:27 AM on November 28, 2005

I prefer Tijuana Mamas, thanks. And pickled eggs, which for some reason are incredibly hard to find by the jar in NYC. Anybody know a place that sells em?
posted by jonmc at 9:31 AM on November 28, 2005

good god what's got into you all? stop it!
posted by andrew cooke at 9:31 AM on November 28, 2005

tastes like a french fry to me. and that bar was full of yuppies, and the beer was overpriced. sorry.
posted by jonmc at 9:32 AM on November 28, 2005

Having shitty taste and being a cheapskate aren't virtues.
posted by dame at 9:35 AM on November 28, 2005

Nor for that matter is basing your affection for a place on who else goes there, Mr. Against the Grain Populist.
posted by dame at 9:36 AM on November 28, 2005

Is the place on w4 the place we went when I was there? That place was pretty cool. : ) I liked the courtyard, though it wouldn't be too much fun in winter!
posted by SisterHavana at 9:38 AM on November 28, 2005

as Jay McInerney once said, "Taste is a matter of taste."

And I'm not cheap, I just don't make that much money that I overlook needlessly high prices.

Nor for that matter is basing your affection for a place on who else goes there

When you go to a bar, you're going for the company as much as for the booze, to drink and hang out. And from the vibe I got in there (aside from the mefites), I wouldn't be good company for them and vice versa. YMMV. Offer void in Guam. Avoid direct contact with pants.
posted by jonmc at 9:41 AM on November 28, 2005

Uh, dude, quoting Jay McInerney isn't really gonna convince of anything. Oh, some asshole said something; you sure got me.

And preferring the company of drunk old men and nasty other folks to the innocuous if lame is definitely a sign of bad taste and fucked-up perspective. But then it's become clear to me that any hope for something of interest and complexity behind your transparent pose was a mistake on my part.
posted by dame at 9:47 AM on November 28, 2005

jon does have a point or two there.

plus as was pointed out more than once: two for one night! and the banh mi place is only 3-4 blocks from 151.

but I will continue to call a frite a frite. carolus linnaeus and bertrand russell would approve.
posted by dorian at 9:48 AM on November 28, 2005

lola, was it you who punched him or did you like, instigate some mean mcdonald's parking lot teenager to do it?
posted by dorian at 9:53 AM on November 28, 2005

And preferring the company of drunk old men and nasty other folks

so now you know who I keep company with? I can assure you that I never choose anyone or anything to hang out with, listen to, or enjoy for any other reason than genuine enjoyment. Life's too short.

And I prefer old man bars/dives for simple reasons: they're cheaper, less cluttered with silly young people doing the look-at-me!look-at-me dance. The jukebox is more likely to have music I like and the patrons have better stories to tell, and if all else fails, they usually have the game on.

We are two very different people who've led very different lives and have very different veiws of the world. That didn't used to bother you so much, but lately you've developed this newfound tendency to be blithely dismissive of anything that dosen't jibe with your perception of the world. I was the same way at your age.

On the plus side, the vending machine just gave me two Peppermint Patties and I only paid for one. This is the highlight of the week thus far.
posted by jonmc at 10:05 AM on November 28, 2005

i think bertrand russell would have said "chips", to be honest.
posted by andrew cooke at 10:07 AM on November 28, 2005

Two Peppermint Patties? Score.

Apparently, I punched him. Was it a full moon on Saturday?

Something was horribly wrong. I can drink my beer but I was not doing so well that night.

Though, again, Miss Pac Man was fun. I suck at it though.

I don't think I would want to recruit teenagers from this McDonalds (125th and Broadway) to do my bidding. Then again, causing a scene and punching my boyfriend is pretty classy.
posted by Lola_G at 10:14 AM on November 28, 2005

I'm serious about the pickled eggs, too. I've been craving them for weeks. If anyone knows a place in the city, I'd be much obliged.
posted by jonmc at 10:26 AM on November 28, 2005

How 'bout we get a keg of beer, a case of wine, play our own music, cook some hotdogs? I know of a large loft in TriBeCa where if we throw the guy $100 for cleanup we could do such a thing.

I can provide a sound system, a grill, some furniture. Any day but a Friday, after 7pm.
posted by StickyCarpet at 11:02 AM on November 28, 2005

(Wow, I didn't realize dame and jonmc's fight wasn't just for pretend. Please make up. Find a common non-NYC enemy if necessary. Pick on me as a last resort. There, better?)
posted by nobody at 11:03 AM on November 28, 2005

Awww, nobody, you're so sweet and cuddly, no one could pick on you.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 11:10 AM on November 28, 2005 [1 favorite]

SC - are you serious? That sounds really cool.
posted by CunningLinguist at 11:12 AM on November 28, 2005

stickycarpet is saying things which intrigue and delight me...
posted by dorian at 11:12 AM on November 28, 2005

I'm down, StickyCarpet.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 11:13 AM on November 28, 2005 [1 favorite]

I am totally serious. I just reconfirmed with the guy who has the loft. I will even throw in some blacklights. And I will make pickled eggs if jonmc brings some music. But not too much.

If we could, let's let the date percolate until everyone is available.

Its a really big place, dame and jonmc don't even have to cross paths.
posted by StickyCarpet at 11:32 AM on November 28, 2005

StickyCarpet that sounds great.
posted by gaspode at 11:33 AM on November 28, 2005

I'm kind of going out-ed out, actually. I need to return to life in the slow lane.
posted by jonmc at 11:33 AM on November 28, 2005

Well, yea, jonmc, you just had a major health thing! You do need to relax.

Thinking about dates- it sounds like several (at least two?) west coast Mefiers are visiting in January- perhaps we could plan around their visit, if they are both coming at the same time? (I think it's scarabic and.... somebody else?)
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 11:35 AM on November 28, 2005 [1 favorite]

I still like hanging around, TPS, but I'm not Mr. Nightlife, the social whirl actually gets to me sometimes.
posted by jonmc at 11:41 AM on November 28, 2005

I am very angry at myself for not being able to attend (for the second time in a row). But next time I *will* be there!
posted by dotreptile at 11:45 AM on November 28, 2005

I hear ya, jonmc; I need a certain amount of me time before being able to be outgoing and charming.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 11:52 AM on November 28, 2005 [1 favorite]

well, you all are still spring chickens. I'm beginning to look forward to the rest home.
posted by jonmc at 11:56 AM on November 28, 2005

all this time I've been trying to look like nobody without even realizing it...
posted by hototogisu at 11:59 AM on November 28, 2005

nobody is who everybody wants to be. (hm?)
posted by Catfry at 12:07 PM on November 28, 2005

January to February timeline, actually. I don't have an exact date yet, but I'll letcha know.
posted by scarabic at 12:10 PM on November 28, 2005

Ahhh, very good.

I don't think we should try to plan any big blowout meetups between now and the holidays.... too much else going on.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 12:15 PM on November 28, 2005 [1 favorite]

For the love of god, will someone please explain to me the difference between fries and frites? Aside from the presence of the letter t? The suspense is killing me!
posted by Eideteker at 12:17 PM on November 28, 2005

there isn't any, just like there isn't one between aioli and mayonnaise or hanger steak and london broil.
posted by jonmc at 12:20 PM on November 28, 2005

Frites? They're fries, but with a certain quelque chose, je ne sais quoi, n'est ce pas?

And aioli is mayonaisse, garlic mayonnaise. Does anyone claim it isn't mayonnaise?
posted by TimeFactor at 12:38 PM on November 28, 2005

now I feel like I'm back in Amsterdam. mmmm hungry now.
posted by gaspode at 12:41 PM on November 28, 2005

I just came here to register my protest over Matt closing the I Am Atheist Hear Me Roar thread.

Now, I will never know how to view pungent flatulence on a windy day.

How does one view flatulence--pungent or odorless ? If it were cold enough, there might be a steam cloud--if the air were still. But on a windy day ? Is synesthesia required or is it something visible with those blue blocker sunglasses on ? Or just pickled eggs ? Oh, it's so confusing.
posted by y2karl at 12:41 PM on November 28, 2005

all frites are fries, but not all fries are frites.

all aioli is mayonnaise, but not not all mayonnaise is aioli.

if I want steak and fries I will go to an american place. if I want steak frites, I will go to some brasserie. the meat is not the same. the potatoes are not the same. and yet I love them all.

*brings on the ontological war*

(also the true belgian mayonnaise-stuff has like mustard or something in it)
posted by dorian at 1:05 PM on November 28, 2005

I feel a Venn diagram coming on.
posted by gaspode at 1:14 PM on November 28, 2005

dorian, I love the Belgian Fries place on 2nd ave by St. Mark's, but they're still fries to me, and they still call their sauces "mayo," god bless 'em. (the mango chutney one is especially delicious.
posted by jonmc at 1:16 PM on November 28, 2005

screw diagrams (unless they're edible!), I am out the door to buy a london broil, some beer and some cauliflower (trying to cut down on the starch, y'know)

between this and the askme ham thread, I am positively drooling.

(and yes the belgians do still call their mayo mayo even tho it's not exactly the same thing. I guess they are on your side ;-)
posted by dorian at 1:21 PM on November 28, 2005

I never got around to trying the one in st. mark's but always heard good things about it.

(and to be fair I've not been to the one in w4 for over a year so it may well be a yuppie hell at all hours for all I know)

ok. the supermarket awaits.
posted by dorian at 1:23 PM on November 28, 2005

I never got around to trying the one in st. mark's but always heard good things about it.

The burger place next door is really good, too.
posted by jonmc at 1:25 PM on November 28, 2005

stop taunting me!

I surely do miss in-n-out burger *sigh*

I can pretty easily (and cheaply!) console myself by making alton brown's burgers of the gods (which are amazing, and one of the few instances I agree with the french that frying is better than grilling) but it's just not the same as driving half an hour out of your way on hwy 101 for some sweet, sweet not-quite-fast food.
posted by dorian at 2:50 PM on November 28, 2005

now I feel like I'm back in Amsterdam. mmmm hungry now.

...except that in Amsterdam, the potato-based junk food you'll find is petat. If you say 'petat met,' meaning 'potato-based product with,' then mayonaise is the implied condiment.
posted by bingo at 6:08 PM on November 28, 2005

MetaFilter: I feel a Venn diagram coming on.
posted by Eideteker at 6:21 PM on November 28, 2005

Eh, just shaddap an eat your london broil, fries and mayo.
posted by jonmc at 6:26 PM on November 28, 2005

"I feel a Venn diagram coming on."

What does that feel like, exactly? I've been getting cramps and I wonder if that's what it is.
posted by Ethereal Bligh at 6:42 PM on November 28, 2005

What does that feel like, exactly?

like having your butt tickled.
posted by jonmc at 6:48 PM on November 28, 2005

I don't know what it feels like, but if I remember correctly, it looks like a mathematical representation of goatse.
posted by Eideteker at 7:00 PM on November 28, 2005

I ain't clicking that link.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 7:37 PM on November 28, 2005 [1 favorite]

You know, Jon, the word "mayonnaise" is French, as is the the word "aioli", which comes from: ai, (garlic, from Latin 'allium') and oli, (oil, from Latin 'oleum'). So if you want aioli, you can say "I want mayonnaise, but not the regular mayonnaise - I want the kind that you make that includes garlic pounded to a paste", but you'd still be using high-falutin French.
posted by taz at 9:19 PM on November 28, 2005

Evanizer gets a shoutout and I don't? Sheesh.
posted by Vidiot at 6:33 AM on November 29, 2005

Awwwww, sweetie pie, I'll give you a shoutout at the next meetup.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 6:37 AM on November 29, 2005 [1 favorite]

It's not the high falutin' French that bugs me, it's the putting on airs, the making up of an unneccessary name for something I already have a name for.
posted by jonmc at 6:49 AM on November 29, 2005

This is an implication, not a definition, but to me "aioli" means not just garlicky but freshly made and "mayonnaise," unless modified by "fresh" or "homemade," means from a jar.
posted by StickyCarpet at 6:56 AM on November 29, 2005

We could nitpick details all day, but if I see someone come in to my corner deli and order a turkey sandwich with aioli, it's clobberin' time.
posted by jonmc at 7:01 AM on November 29, 2005

Gotta hand it to ya, jonmc, that's one internally consistent persona you got goin' there.
posted by StickyCarpet at 7:14 AM on November 29, 2005

So is this the longest ever report-on-a-meetup thread? And if so, is that a good or a bad thing?

*orders a turkey sandwich with aioli just to piss off jonmc*
posted by languagehat at 9:51 AM on November 29, 2005

I'll forgive you, if you can point me towards some pickled eggs.
posted by jonmc at 9:55 AM on November 29, 2005

Nope, the one for the last NYC meetup was almost twice as long.

::steals turkey sandwich::
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 9:57 AM on November 29, 2005 [1 favorite]

And jonmc, I hope you know I made a fool of myself in several Greek delis all for you. They're like, pickled eggs, whaaaat?
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 9:57 AM on November 29, 2005 [1 favorite]

You can always order them.
posted by monju_bosatsu at 10:15 AM on November 29, 2005

My friend Amy just suggested Just Pickles over on 28th, but that's a hike and I can't find a product listening online. (last night I saw pickled things of all varieties including mushrooms and giardinera, but the eggs elude me)

Order them? I want them now!
posted by jonmc at 10:18 AM on November 29, 2005

You've been saying you want them now for almost two days. You could have ordered them by now, sir.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 10:22 AM on November 29, 2005 [1 favorite]

rumor has it that dame feels kinda bad about going off on jonmc, but just wishes he would listen more.
posted by StickyCarpet at 2:42 PM on November 29, 2005

I thought you guys were kidding. Then I realized you weren't. You guys have to make up. I'll host a summit on neutral ground.
posted by CunningLinguist at 3:03 PM on November 29, 2005

(And so the meetup's biggest fallout ends up involving someone who was there and someone who wasn't?)
posted by nobody at 3:27 PM on November 29, 2005

and, sadly, nobody's pants kicked ass.
posted by StickyCarpet at 3:54 PM on November 29, 2005

It was just our usual playful arguing that went a lttle too far. I'm cool with it. Shit happens.
posted by jonmc at 4:58 PM on November 29, 2005

Still no luck on the damned eggs, though. That store my freind sent me to no longer exists. I wound up at quiznos having a sub. Last nights wild eggchase left me at Papaya King where there was a mishap and I wound up with spicy chili and mustard on my knee.

I did find these, though. The night wasn't a total washout.
posted by jonmc at 5:00 PM on November 29, 2005

Also, I just re-ordered my iTunes library by title. I've got way too many songs that begin with parentheses.
posted by jonmc at 5:02 PM on November 29, 2005

'(Just Like) Starting Over'
'(There'll Be Bluebirds Over) The White Cliffs Of Dover'
'(There's) Always Something There To Remind Me'
'(You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party)'
'(You Drive Me) Crazy'
'(We Don't Need This) Fascist Groove Thing'
'(I'm Always) Touched By Your Presence Dear'
posted by languagehat at 5:10 PM on November 29, 2005

(Everytime I Hear That) Mellow Saxophone
(I Love The Sound Of) Breaking Glass
(I Love It When You) Call Me Names
(I'm) Stranded
posted by jonmc at 5:17 PM on November 29, 2005

They've posted pictures in the CT meetup thread. A lot of us NYCers received shoutouts (including a big one for you, CunningLinguist!)
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 5:49 PM on November 29, 2005 [1 favorite]

(I Got A) Catholic Block
posted by kosem at 6:42 PM on November 29, 2005

y'know, it's a sad motherfucker who can't make his own pickled eggs. which I am about to attempt right now. don't have any beet juice but I do have plenty of hot peppers.

will let all-y'all know how it turnsout.
posted by dorian at 9:42 AM on November 30, 2005

well, send me a jar if it works out. I'm allerging to both creativity and expending effort without pay.

(pips dad once put some cucumbers in the remaining juice from a store-bought jar of half-sours, the results, I'm told, were not good)
posted by jonmc at 10:16 AM on November 30, 2005

ha ha, good point. well if I live, I'll try and bring some to the next meetup.

eggs are boiling right now. I only have 6 eggs but then I only have a 2qt glass pickle jar. to do it right I imagine I need the jar from that 1 gallon jar of pickles my local market sells, and like 12-18 eggs.

baby steps, tho.
posted by dorian at 10:23 AM on November 30, 2005

(also I'm not sure how much creativity is involved, it's just vinegar, salt, eggs and maybe some peppers...)
posted by dorian at 10:24 AM on November 30, 2005

So how did the eggs turn out, dorian?
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 4:09 PM on December 1, 2005 [1 favorite]

let me start out by saying that the only vinegar I had in the house was a 1gal jug of the nasty white vinegar I generally only use to clean stuff. which seemed appropriate.

2qt glass jar: 2 cups vinegar, 7 peeled hard boiled eggs, 1 can chipotle peppers, salt. a cup or so of water to cover.

I tried an egg a few hours after, and it was not too bad.

I tried one just now (~day and a half later) and it was fairly vile. the pepper is not getting into the eggs very much, unlike the vinegar.

all the recipes I saw said the best is to wait 1-2 weeks (apparently after 2-3 weeks the eggs get too rubbery. heh.) not sure I want to try that, but I will for the sake of science.

also, I am willing to try again with maybe apple cider vinegar or something a little less, um, corrosive.

hm maybe it needs more salt.
posted by dorian at 9:55 PM on December 1, 2005

I also have an amazing recipe for drunken chicken, and I am considering making the eggs that way too (nasty chinese cooking wine*, soy sauce, fresh ginger)

*well to be fair, almost all cooking wine is nasty. er, if you try to drink it. but somehow makes things tasty in the process of cooking.
posted by dorian at 10:04 PM on December 1, 2005

Hey Dorian- Did you boil up the ingredients before you poured them over the eggs? That should help a lot in terms of flavors marrying and take some of the corrosiveness out of the vinegar (and I'd use regular old canned chilis ahead of chipotle). And, mmmm, drunken chicken.
posted by kosem at 6:55 AM on December 2, 2005

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