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Do instead of doom!

Are you helping the United States avoid sliding into fascism? Let's cheer each other on. Solidarity!
posted by NotLost to MetaTalk on Jul 19 at 9:01 AM
22 users marked this as a favorite

Acknowledging fears while avoiding doomsaying

I have a suggestion for community communication standards for posts such as the one on the shootings at Trump’s July 13 rally that make many of our fellow Mefites highly anxious.
posted by eviemath to MetaTalk on Jul 15 at 11:24 AM
4 users marked this as a favorite

I'd like to start a local bookstore bookmark exchange.

Kind of a summer project for myself. Selfishly, I'd love to have cool bookmarks from bookstores from across North America and maybe the world!
posted by Shepherd to MetaTalk on Jul 13 at 7:22 AM
1 user marked this as a favorite

Metatalktail Hour: Hot-Weather Recipes

Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! I'm a little slow to post this week because MY AIR CONDITIONING DIED so there was all the drama of working over a hot computer in 90 degree heat while waiting for the repair guy. ANYWAY, not that my house is cooling back off, I desperately want to know your favorite hot-weather recipes -- things that taste good in the heat, or things that you don't need to turn on the stove for, or things that just taste like summer. Go!
posted by Eyebrows McGee to MetaTalk on May 26, 2018 at 6:40 PM
1 user marked this as a favorite

Shoutout to Wenestvedt on His 150,000th Favorite Given

My infodumpster skills are not sufficient to find other members, like Wenestvedt, who favorite posts and comments generously, but it makes the place nicer and more fun. Thanks!
posted by theora55 to MetaTalk on Feb 22, 2022 at 4:20 PM
1 user marked this as a favorite

“I mean, old school web people definitely have opinions...”

From the Initiative for Digital Public Infrastructure at UMass Amherst: “MetaFilter turns 25 this month, a shining beacon of the Good Web. Reluctant owner Jessamyn West tells us how rusty tech and vibrant community keeps it vital.” [Elsewhere: MetaFilter: a time capsule from another internet]
posted by Wordshore to MetaTalk on Jul 12 at 9:57 AM
1 user marked this as a favorite


Popular Comments

Let's not quibble over semantics. We run the risk of plunging into, let's call it .... post-constitutional, single party, weaponized bigotry against immigrant, unhoused, LGBTQ+, female, and other residents of the US. Well worthy of a solidarity check-in. [view]
posted by kensington314 to MetaTalk on Jul 19 at 11:56 AM
36 users marked this as a favorite

The US is not sliding into “ fascism”. Enough with the drama. Well, not if the folks in this thread have anything to say about it. [view]
posted by AdamCSnider to MetaTalk on Jul 19 at 9:34 PM
31 users marked this as a favorite

can we establish a moratorium on the "omg Kamala is a cop!" comments Absolutely not. Far better to state the positive case for Harris, than ask the mods to censor the discussion. [view]
posted by mittens to MetaTalk on Jul 21 at 1:16 PM
25 users marked this as a favorite

1. The suggestion to delete "omg Kamala is a cop!" comments is a total derail of the the thread topic. 2. "omg Kamala is a cop!" comments do not break site guidelines and thus should not be deleted. 3. If policy on automatic deletions is going to change, that issue deserves its own thread, not a hijacking of this “Do instead... [more]
posted by NotLost to MetaTalk on Jul 21 at 7:01 PM
25 users marked this as a favorite

I am yelling at them every chance I get that they have to vote, I'm not going to tell them who to vote for >Wow powerful work in the fight against fascism bro why [view]
posted by phunniemee to MetaTalk on Jul 20 at 9:39 AM
23 users marked this as a favorite

No comments deleted as MetaTalk has softer moderation rules Cool cool but at some point you'll need to consider when and how this website is facilitating fascist propaganda. Denying a current and present fascist encroachment in the United States is morally indefensible in July of 2024. Allowing belittlement of those calling attention to... [more]
posted by CPAnarchist to MetaTalk on Jul 19 at 1:25 PM
22 users marked this as a favorite

Here's my vote against banning "Kamala is a cop" comments, unless it's made clear that reservations, concerns and/or links to information about some of the crappy things she did during her time as a prosecutor are not included in the ban. This is not a cheerleading political site. [view]
posted by mediareport to MetaTalk on Jul 21 at 5:24 PM
15 users marked this as a favorite

[No comments deleted as MetaTalk has softer moderation rules, but, let's try to stick to the intention of the thread and use it to cheer each other on and keep sharing offsite things you are doing in face to the election. ] [view]
posted by loup to MetaTalk on Jul 19 at 12:33 PM
15 users marked this as a favorite

Nt sure if this is meant to be specific to voting/the election, but I'm working with a group of community members creating a free public charter school that will provide a safe learning environment for LGBTQ+, PoC, disabled, etc. kids in a deep red county. We are still fighting for change in the state public schools but it's been years and kids... [more]
posted by brook horse to MetaTalk on Jul 20 at 9:34 AM
14 users marked this as a favorite

they'd better vote or I will yell at them even more The number of coworkers I've annoyed into participating in democracy over the years I tell you hwhat. [view]
posted by phunniemee to MetaTalk on Jul 19 at 6:07 PM
14 users marked this as a favorite

Based on a comment on the green, I signed up with Deep Canvassing and completed training last week. I had my first real call with a voter today and our conversation was pretty amazing! We laughed, we cried! I'm hoping to hear more peoples' stories, find shared feelings where we can, build awareness, and change minds one conversation at a time. [view]
posted by cocoagirl to MetaTalk on Jul 20 at 5:51 PM
14 users marked this as a favorite

My go-to recommendation is learning first aid including eyewashes and stop the bleed training. Wilderness first aid classes are a great place to start and there are lots of good resources for eyewash trainings including your local street medic collective; I have in fact created some documentation on this so if you're interested I can send you... [more]
posted by an octopus IRL to MetaTalk on Jul 20 at 9:06 AM
13 users marked this as a favorite

On balance, I think MetaFilter is a force for good in the world, including against fascism. I've been exposed to views and resources here that have usefully identified holes in my thinking and worldview. In view of that, one of my on-topic actions is to say: In fact, until the election is over I suggest we add that to the list of reasons... [more]
posted by cupcakeninja to MetaTalk on Jul 22 at 5:20 AM
13 users marked this as a favorite

So, I've got a pretty good story for you all. The bomb squad just left. So, I'm working in my garage office when my wife and kid walk in and my wife asks me what I know about picric acid. Like you, probably, I know nothing. She tells me that picric acid was used in WWII as a disinfectant and wound dressing, especially effective on burns, but... [more]
posted by Stanczyk to MetaTalk on Jul 19 at 3:55 PM
11 users marked this as a favorite

As a Georgian, I figure the most effective thing I can do is help get out the vote here, so I renewed all my signups with The New Georgia Project. Hoping to do some voter drives soon. [view]
posted by hydropsyche to MetaTalk on Jul 21 at 3:33 AM
11 users marked this as a favorite

I got pulled into my local Democratic party's district organization as a Precinct Committee Officer (turns out "nobody's represented your precinct in ~5 years, and there's likely replacement representative votes coming up" is a good way to prompt my "guess I've got to step up to the plate" reflex), so I've been dipping my toes... [more]
posted by CrystalDave to MetaTalk on Jul 19 at 3:37 PM
11 users marked this as a favorite

My professional role is working to create equity and inclusion in a large-ish organization. I'm working to bring anti-racist equitable training and practices to our work and our workplace. I've also been meeting with two friends since 2020 every month or so to talk about antiracism books, articles, and themes. Over the years our reading and... [more]
posted by lapis to MetaTalk on Jul 19 at 8:32 PM
10 users marked this as a favorite

It’s little, but I signed up again to write postcards to swing states. In a change from before, they now mail you the postcards! I still have to provide the stamps but it’s a big savings for me anyway. Previously I would get wrapped up in finding just the right postcards that someone wouldnt immediately throw away, and might even keep on a bulletin... [more]
posted by Mizu to MetaTalk on Jul 20 at 6:34 PM
10 users marked this as a favorite

^Just want to add that there were about 140 people in the training and it was easily the most energy and kindness and optimism I've experienced about politics in a long time. [view]
posted by cocoagirl to MetaTalk on Jul 20 at 5:54 PM
10 users marked this as a favorite

I’m in Canada, but we lost our (non-political, but also stereotyped-busting) block party organizers this year because they moved, so I’m working on taking that in thanks to this post. As a small success story, at the block party a few years back people shared how to get a racist party’s signs removed from public roadside on my street legally,... [more]
posted by warriorqueen to MetaTalk on Jul 19 at 11:59 AM
10 users marked this as a favorite