8 posts tagged with Deleted and reason.
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Best deleted reason this week

Best "deleted for the following reason" of the week
posted by Rafaelloello on Apr 25, 2008 - 12 comments

What gives with the deletion?

"This post was deleted for the following reason: Wingers, wingnuts, wikipedia, wikipedia. I'm not sure where the quality content is supposed to be, here. -- cortex" Can we get a ruling on what constitutes "quality content" given the crap linked to in some of these posts? Or is it just that gossipy "outing" posts can only be made about Republicans?
posted by loquax on Jul 13, 2007 - 228 comments

deletion, why?!

Loudon Dreps: self-link, no. Friend-link, yes. Was this post deleted because it sucked, or because I know the guy? If both, I concede. If only because of association, is that transgression articulated somewhere? I couldn’t find it.
posted by Milkman Dan on Nov 21, 2006 - 29 comments

Archive deleted threads and reasons for deletion

Archived deleted threads and reasons for deletion in AskMe and Metatalk? Pretty please?
posted by Saucy Intruder on Jun 27, 2005 - 6 comments

I hate to ask why this was deleted, but...

Asking why a post was deleted has become trite and cliched recently, and I am hesitant to do so again so soon. And yet, here is a genuinely light-hearted humor post that's got some brilliant framing done by esch . . . and the deletion reason was 'um?'
posted by Ryvar on Nov 22, 2004 - 190 comments

Why was Arafat photo deleted?

I think it's uncouth that the 'arafat' front page post was deleted. It was a photograph of a moment captured. Like any moment captured. Except it was explosive. Why must a candid photo of Yasser Arafat under siege be purged from Mefi's memory?
posted by crasspastor on Mar 31, 2002 - 24 comments

Can someone educate me?

I don't think Bas67's recent deleted post linking to the Onion should have been deleted. I think that was good stuff. I was going to post the comment:

They should translate that text into the appropriate language(s), put it on leaflets, and drop it throughout Afganistan, Syria, Lebanon and the West Bank. It might make certain individuals think twice.

Was it really beyond the Pale? Can someone educate me? Or was it the material around the post on that page (which I didn't read)?
posted by ParisParamus on Oct 1, 2001 - 4 comments

Is this the next All Your Base...?

Where did the post for "Is this the next All Your Base...?" go? Why did it leave? Sorry to sound paranoid, but with all the turmoil lately, I'm really curious about the disappearance of this seemingly innocuous post...

>> Zettai (formerly Wiremommy)
posted by Zettai on Apr 6, 2001 - 11 comments

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