6 posts tagged with Etiquette and askmefi.
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Easily Googled AskMefi Questions

What are your thoughts on AskMefi questions that can be easily Googled and/or are based on erroneous information? (I'm thinking specifically of this question, which contains both factually incorrect details and could easily be answered with Google. There isn't a request for advice, experiential information, anecdata, or other relevant info that a search engine couldn't provide. What does everyone think? Is this a normal/appropriate use of AskMefi?
posted by schroedingersgirl on Feb 7, 2014 - 44 comments

Just wondering about the etiquette of threadsitting

When someone posts to AskMefi, is there a standard etiquette that posters should be knowing to follow? Something like "Do not post any responses for 24 hours after you've posted your question or else you will be threadsitting/tempted to threadsit," perhaps? I avoid Metafilter for 24 hours after I post anything because then I feel like an embarrassed ass asking a question, but that's just me. I was wondering if this was any kind of ... more official thing for everyone else, or should be, or what.
posted by jenfullmoon on Dec 4, 2013 - 59 comments

"Speaking of Personal Experience" isn't a citation.

Saying "I have personal experience in this" doesn't invalidate or even contradict information given in ask. [more inside]
posted by xingcat on Sep 11, 2012 - 35 comments

Striving For Objectivity in AskMeFi

Speaking of objectivity... how do we do it? [more inside]
posted by Stagger Lee on Feb 15, 2011 - 20 comments

Everything here is chatty

The question on the page is not always the question that is really being asked. [more inside]
posted by troybob on Jul 3, 2008 - 47 comments

Please keep your politics out of Ask Metafilter questions

"Criminal incompetence is probably not an impeachable offense, but something has to be done about Bush." Please keep your politics out of Ask Metafilter questions. (And another.) It tends to attract the wrong kind of answers.
posted by smackfu on Sep 2, 2005 - 25 comments

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