10 posts tagged with Etiquette and flamewar.
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What will the Bhutto assassination mean for the future stability of Metafilter?
Yeah, assassinations are hard to be unemotional about, but can we start acting reasonable? [more inside]
the most annoying person ever to post in the green
"When they wont stop proselytizing then its a social problem"
This is so lame. I've gotten used to flames on MeFi; its part of what passes for discourse anymore. But this entire post was a predominace of flaming meta-poo. I understand the calls of Agenda-filter, but if people are going to post stuff like "It seems I must speak in language you understand . Go fuck yourself you ill-bred shit." then I think its time we up the ante. If you're going to Meta-bitch, then take it MetaTalk. More importantly, if you're going to Metaflame, do it with half an ounce of couth and style. That appears to be where MetaFilter is headed, so please keep up. (slightly more inside)
having a "point" is a step towards chaos
Actually, posts with "points" are often the ones in most danger of inciting flamefests and being less than appropriate.
Did I do something wrong?
I'm sorry, I'm new here. Did I do something wrong? I realize I derailed the thread from the start (for that I apologize), but somehow I became the poster boy for two warring sides in a flame war riddled with insults and heated emotions. I like to think I tried to maintain a civil discourse at the beginning, unfortunately I went to sleep when it got really nasty. Should I have not posted at all? What went wrong here, I would like to know for future reference.
Signal-to-noise ratio declines
Signal-to-noise ratio declines. Especially in the Falwell and dead-or-alive threads, but elsewhere too.
I'll take it MetaTalk Skallas! And I want to know where you get off?
BTW happily taking my meds, taking it to MetaTalk and definitely wondering where you get off. . .
BTW happily taking my meds, taking it to MetaTalk and definitely wondering where you get off. . .
Offsite fight brought to Metafilter
Do coverage of ongoing dramatics between a single site owner and a single site user (and in neither case is the site referenced MeFi...) qualify as valid MeFi front page posts? Our survey SAYS... ?