7 posts tagged with Fanfare and books.
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Welcome to the first ever (as far as I know!) Fanfare extravaganza. I have created a place where we can share recommended books, movies, tv, music, games, podcasts we have read, watched, listened to, or played this year. [more inside]
posted by CMcG on Dec 28, 2024 - 13 comments

FanFare AutoBoost thought for your consideration

How about adding a 'trigger' that moves a movie to the top of the page when it goes to streaming. And other "life events" in the career of any particular media. Perhaps when a book is turned into another form (see Like Water for Chocolate ballet) which is also a film, (hmm needs an opera:) The easiest initial implementation would be a place to insert a release date for theater->streaming, not sure how to auto-populate but we can research that. Mostly for blockbusters but that does seem to be a preponderance of films on the lavender.
posted by sammyo on Jun 29, 2023 - 17 comments

Pony request: books on watercooler and fanfare front page

So on the side bar of fanfare when you scroll down you have recently added movies and recently added tv shows but no recently added books, could books be added? Also- fanfare watercooler shows the most active discussions in TV, Movies, podcasts, classic tv and classic movies but no books? could that be added? If there's some sort of reason why not that's fair, but It would be nice to have an easier way of finding the latest book discussions.
posted by Homo neanderthalensis on Mar 14, 2019 - 8 comments

Add author and series to book titles in Fanfare.

Pony request: in the list of book related fanfare posts, show the author (and series when it's relevant, maybe number in series) as well as the title of the books. [more inside]
posted by signal on Jul 17, 2018 - 6 comments

Let's talk about books, baby / let's talk about lit'racy

Books! We gingerly dipped a toe into books on FanFare late last year, and this seems like as good a time as any to talk about sticking a whole foot in. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Mar 3, 2016 - 75 comments

The age of Books is upon us

Brace yourselves, bibliophiles: we're rolling out Books as an additional media category on FanFare! We're starting slow to make sure we've got all the wrinkles ironed out, with a few initial clubs started by your fellow users. Come on inside for details! [more inside]
posted by cortex on Oct 21, 2015 - 226 comments

Books books books?

I respect and understand that lots of new work is being/has just been done on fanfare and the whole of metafilter, so I get that additional projects might not be forthcoming right away, aaannnddd.... I'm wondering about fanfare books? [more inside]
posted by latkes on Jun 9, 2015 - 129 comments

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