4 posts tagged with Features and Mobile.
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"Remove from activity" in Mobile Classic?

Pony request: can we get a "remove from activity" feature on the Recent Activity page in the Mobile Classic theme? [more inside]
posted by Anticipation Of A New Lover's Arrival, The on Aug 10, 2017 - 11 comments

Can we get a "Remove from Activity" button on the Mobile site?

I was wondering if it would be possible to get the "Remove from Activity" link added to the Recent Activity page of the Mobile site. Is this something that people would like to have, and if so would it be feasible to implement this feature? [more inside]
posted by Scientist on Dec 18, 2013 - 42 comments

Mobile computer word-up!

My home computer is my Blackberry. Thank you so much for the "Mark resolved" link. It saves so much work!
posted by parmanparman on Dec 2, 2009 - 4 comments


Announcing: mobile.metafilter.com
It's a new version of the sites designed for the iPhone/iPod Touch. Try it out on the device, songs from MeFi Music even play in the device (works best on wifi of course). A short video if it in action is inside. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Jan 24, 2008 - 91 comments

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