4 posts tagged with LearnedLeague and trivia.
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LearnedLeague: We Have The Technology
As you may have heard, LearnedLeague suffered a catastrophic server failure on May 5. Their hosting company lost the whole site, with no backup. (Exclusive documentary video footage of LL's hosting company.) Fortunately, Thorsten is a smart fellow, and had his own local backups, and he has now rebuilt almost the whole site. Private Rundle rosters didn't survive, though. You need to re-register for the MetaFilter Private Rundle if you want in for LL77. [more inside]
LearnedLeague signup roundup 2018
Registration is open for LL76, the 76th quarterly season of LearnedLeague trivia. Membership is by invitation only, but plenty of Mefites are members and are totally willing to invite you, right here in this thread. Each weekday for 25 days, you answer 6 trivia questions and assign points based on how hard you think your head-to-head opponent will find them. Here are some questions from last season. Referrals are open through February 6; registration closes February 14; LL76 starts on Tuesday, February 20. [more inside]
LearnedLeague roundup 2
It's been 2 1/2 years since the last "Hey, who's on LearnedLeague, and who wants to be?" post. Some folks got invited then, and some folks (like me!) got invited later, as a result of posting in that thread.
Referrals for LL73 are open, so: Who's on LL, and who isn't but wants to be? [more inside]
LearnedLeaguers, sound off!
In the recent Mefi thread about LearnedLeague, we had a decent number of joint members. I thought I'd create a space where we could say hello! [more inside]