5 posts tagged with Length and formatting.
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I need [more inside] and less outside.
Can limit the main text area so that people are encouraged to put [more inside] rather than so much outside? [more inside]
Brevity is the soul of. . . what again?
Flagging a post as "too long."
This huge thread kills Safari/OmniWeb
This huge thread kills Safari/OmniWeb. I'd like there to be a preference that allows me to see massive posts broken up by 100s of comments or something. Alternatively, is there a different CSS file that can be loaded for these that will keep Safari/OmniWeb from crashing?
format impedes discussion
Interesting post (maybe) - hoist by it's own petard.
Initial comments ignore the substance - format impedes discussion.
Administrators - PHM!
Initial comments ignore the substance - format impedes discussion.
Administrators - PHM!
Small text doesn't mitigate excessive length
Small text doesn't mitigate excessive length, karl. It exacerbates it, by making ALL THAT harder to read. What? Are you trying to make less work for those of us who will scroll past it? If you want to be read, leave your Iraq links + editorializing legible and stop pretending they don't take up as much space as they do.