8 posts tagged with MefiNonprofit and MeFIBoard.
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Board elections timeline
When will elections for permanent board members for the MetaFilter Community Foundation take place? [more inside]
MeFiCoFo update
A few updates about the MetaFilter Community Foundation [more inside]
MetaFilter Community Foundation Nonprofit Update, 8/19/24
An overdue update about the transition to a non-profit. [more inside]
Hello from your friendly neighbourhood interim board chair!
We had a proper update post lined up on the interim board, but things are super busy right now as we have crunched up our timeline and gotten masses of work done, so I wanted to pop by and unofficially say hello! I'm dotisunderwood and the current and soon to be last interim board chair. We have a meeting in a couple of days to be followed (thanks to a bunch of great volunteers) by an update, so any questions you'd like us to try to answer as well in the upcoming Official Update Post, please add below or memail me. (My household just welcomed an unexpectedly early baby, so I am behind on emails, punctuation and sleep so please be patient)
MeFi Nonprofit Update, April 30, 2024
The board setting up the MeFi nonprofit met on April 4 and April 25. [more inside]
Interim Board Seeks Atty., Other Help
The group working to form the MeFi nonprofit is looking for help in a few specific areas. [more inside]
MeFi Nonprofit Update 2/28/2024
The board forming the nonprofit for Metafilter met Feb. 15. [more inside]
MeFi Nonprofit Update 2/19/2024
The board forming the nonprofit for Metafilter met Feb. 1. [more inside]