4 posts tagged with MetaTalk and askmefi.
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A whale of a Meta!

Halloween Jack posed a question in response to aniola's wonderful post about whales and literature.
“So, can any of you boffins on the blue tell me if there's a longer post than this one?”
I thought it'd be nice to have a place to discuss that subject and share some of the longer posts that have managed to hit MetaFilter.
posted by Fizz on Jan 15, 2018 - 25 comments

MetaWhat? MetaWho? MetaHuh?

I wanted to know what parts of this community do you sometimes forget, neglect, or outright ignore? Maybe it's lack of interest or maybe it's just something you keep forgetting exists? FanFare? Jobs? AskMeFi? Labs? Chat? Podcast? Are you only on the blue? What part of MetaFilter is pushed to the side?
posted by Fizz on Oct 8, 2017 - 68 comments

MeFi now on Twitter

Want to follow MeFi on Twitter. Now you can! [more inside]
posted by reenum on Feb 2, 2010 - 99 comments

Is anyone else seeing the green Ask Mefi header but on Metatalk?

GoingBlindFilter: Is anyone else seeing the green Ask Mefi header but on Metatalk? Here's what I mean
posted by vacapinta on Apr 21, 2005 - 6 comments

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