6 posts tagged with OpenYale and MeTabookclub.
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Finishing the Course at Last

MeTa Book Club: It's our last book from the Open Yale syllabus! And that book? Everything is Illuminated, by Jonathan Safran Foer. [more inside]
posted by bearwife on Jan 28, 2012 - 8 comments

It's the Monthly MeTa Book Club Announcement!

Cormac McCarthy may not have been widely known until All the Pretty Horses, but he is very widely admired. He has won the Pulitzer Prize, the National Book Award, and the National Book Critics Circle Award, to name a few, and no one will be surprised if he wins the Nobel Prize for Literature. [more inside]
posted by bearwife on Jul 7, 2011 - 55 comments

MeTa Book Club Does Housekeeping

Respected writer Marilynn Robinson's first novel, Housekeeping, won the Hemingway Foundation/PEN award for best first novel in 1982, and was a finalist for the Pulitzer for fiction that year. (Robinson received the Pulitzer in 2005 for Gilead.) [more inside]
posted by bearwife on May 5, 2011 - 19 comments

We Finally Got To It

OK, it's been slightly less than a month but wanted to let you know the MeTa book club is now (drumroll) reading Thomas Pynchon's The Crying of Lot 49, and the discussion of the book and accompanying lecture goes up in MetaChat on January 31. Questions? Everything you ever wanted to know about the MeTa book club is here.
posted by bearwife on Jan 3, 2011 - 16 comments

Currently Lost in the Funhouse

This is the monthly notice about the MeTa Book Club. The discussion of John Barth's Lost in the Funhouse and the accompanying Yale Professor Amy Hungerford lecture just began today in a MeCha post. [more inside]
posted by bearwife on Dec 6, 2010 - 1 comment

Welcome to Getting Lost in the Funhouse

It's that monthly book club notice. MeTa book club, still reading our way through the syllabus for the Open Yale course on post WWII US literature, is now reading John Barth's Lost in the Funhouse. Discussion goes up in MetaChat on December 6. Around December 20, in MetaChat, we will discuss next choice of book. Lots more information here in the MetaChat wiki, or via the book club link to the wiki on the Meta Talk sidebar.
posted by bearwife on Nov 3, 2010 - 4 comments

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