6 posts tagged with Policy and anonymous.
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confused about how to successfully ask anonymously

If asked anonymously and waited for more than 4 days, and your question does not show up, does that mean your question was rejected? or it means you need to wait even longer. There got to be some response to it so you can decide on what to do next (rephrase your question, ask again using userid, or rephrase question, ask anonymously again hoping to get it pass through the second time). Please explain the policy to me.
posted by akomom on Mar 27, 2012 - 57 comments

Spies from the future

I think that there ought to be a caveat somewhere about AskMe questions, pseudonymity, privacy, and social network scraping tools. [more inside]
posted by XMLicious on Feb 17, 2011 - 62 comments

Anonymous questions of the most mundane order

Is it me or are some people abusing the anonymous question loophole? [more inside]
posted by disillusioned on Oct 21, 2008 - 55 comments

Disabling Favoriting of Anonymous AskMe Posts?

Displaying users who have marked Anonymous questions in AskMe as a favorite is potentially revealing of who Anonymous was in that instance. It is also potentially harmful, both to users who mark such questions as a favorite, as well as to future discourse at Metafilter in general. So I suggest that we remove the list at the start of the thread of those who marked an Anonymous question as a favorite. [more inside]
posted by Effigy2000 on May 16, 2006 - 54 comments

Anonymous Replies for AskMe For Several Hours?

Anonymous posting: time-limited cookies to enable anonymous to reply to their own threads for N hours? Perhaps tied to logins? It seems like the "anonymous" nom de plume really only needs to be a setting that is applied when a thread is marked as such and the original poster is replying. Since most of these questions are for personal, medical, or other advice that usually need more input (perhaps to triangulate its position), it seems useful.
posted by kcm on Apr 18, 2006 - 15 comments

what's the policy for/function of an anon question?

what's the policy for/function of an anon question? i've been using metafilter for awhile, but have never used it. since isaw about seven anon questions in a row, i'm curious: how long do they usually get to take approved? as i understand it, they are hand-screened? so, is it a few days...a week? and, do they count towards your question of the week (they have to, it would be too easily abusable, i guess...just one of the sentences in the explanation seems to mean that).

sorry for the confusion -_- just one of those things i never quite got around to figuring out.
posted by Lockeownzj00 on Nov 8, 2005 - 8 comments

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