8 posts tagged with Policy and best.
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These are a few of my favorited things...

Just curious about something... when someone answers an AskMe question and it gets marked as one of the best answers, shouldn't that also count for them as being favorited by someone? Or... no?
posted by miss lynnster on Mar 20, 2007 - 38 comments

Limit on Best Answers?

Maybe there could be a limit on the number of "Best Answers" that a question gets?
posted by Kirth Gerson on Dec 10, 2005 - 34 comments

Can everyone say "I'm the best"?

Policy Question: I am not trying to call anyone out at all, (really!), but is it considered OK to mark you own answer in AskMe as the "best" ?
posted by crazyray on Nov 5, 2005 - 11 comments

What part of "Best of the Web" do you have a problem with?

makes no sense

What part of "Best of the Web" do you have a problem with?
posted by dayvin on Aug 27, 2005 - 78 comments

Is using "best answer" on subjective questions appropriate?

The best answer feature used in this AskMeFi question seems a little disconcerting to me. For a question that's so subjective, is it really appropriate? I find it off putting.
posted by sophie on Feb 14, 2005 - 82 comments

what IS the "best of the web?"

An honest question: how would you define "The best of the web" in late 2004 looking forward to 2005? Obviously we live in a political world, but MetaFilter is a longer train of thought, I think. How can we balance current events with interesting and wonderful stuff? It's largely up to the noobs, I think. Matt has taken a huge leap of faith here and he is God but there must be a way to convert our indigenous zealots too. My fingers are crossed for the next few weeks.
posted by Cryptical Envelopment on Nov 26, 2004 - 8 comments

What kind of callout is this?

Generic bitching:

Let's start a pool to see how many quizzes will be posted to MeFi in the next year.

Ok, 2 in a day isn't that much compared to the rest of the week.. maybe someone should register amiaquizornot.com.

posted by manero on Jan 3, 2002 - 7 comments

Had those forwarded from my aunt last month.

"So," I clear my throat and hike up my pants, "how bout them last two metafilter links?" Dihydrogen monoxide and an Onion article. Gee whiz.
posted by EngineBeak on Apr 8, 2000 - 1 comment

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