4 posts tagged with Shoutout and civility.
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MEFI disucsses fundamentalists civilly!

Kudos where richly due. I'm delighted to see a thread I had actually feared would be deleted, about the sensitive nexus of fundamentalist Christianity and earthly power, close in on 100 comments and never once descend into vituperation. Nuanced disagreement, even principled difference of opinion, but no name-calling and no shit-flinging. It's a wonderful thing. Can we do this more often?
posted by adamgreenfield on Jan 9, 2007 - 38 comments

Potential Fiery Train Wrecks Averted!

Two AskMe posts on interracial adoption and interracial breeding within an hour of each other. They had the potential to become fiery train wrecks, but instead, the answers were thoughtful and civil. Thanks for the quality discourse!
posted by Gamblor on Apr 15, 2006 - 16 comments

Have we returned to a civil MetaFilter?

Reasonable and reasoned talk about the war? a global warming thread where people correct themselves and say "climate change"? Is Mefi returning to civility? Which is to say, normality???
posted by UncleFes on Apr 8, 2003 - 32 comments

Congratulations on being civil.

Congratulations to all who participated in the recent thread on evangelical Christians and why people dislike them. The level of constructive dialogue on all sides of the issue was truly miraculous ...hehe. Why did this thread succeed when so many other religious threads quickly degrade into vicious flamewars?
posted by jsonic on Feb 7, 2003 - 11 comments

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