7 posts tagged with Shoutout and etiquette.
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Metafilter: civil discourse

This sequence of comments (subject matter aside) embodies what I've always liked about Metafilter.
posted by pantsrobot on Aug 6, 2007 - 94 comments

Kirkaracha Love

Kudos to kirkaracha for dodging the urge to be clever and actually making the text of his link to IMDB the name of the movie. Rather than content free nouns, adverb or adjectives. "Honey, I've got a tool that'll fix anything." -- Actor in this sequel would have been less useful.
posted by Mitheral on Mar 23, 2006 - 43 comments

"If this story is to be believed, then it looks like I was wrong about my condemnation of Lindh"

Thanks to jperkins for taking the high road.
posted by Rothko on Jan 26, 2006 - 21 comments

Communism thread NOT a total train wreck; news at 11

Could have been a total train wreck. Wasn't. But in an almost http://www.metafilter.com/mefi/32975#667562">bizarro twist, the thread brought out all kinds of insights into the problems of not only communism but general ideologies systems of political power. We did good.
posted by namespan on May 8, 2004 - 37 comments

Nice answers in Onion Askme

Ask MeFi's finest hour. Enough to bring tears to my eyes.
posted by stupidsexyFlanders on Jan 5, 2004 - 16 comments

Have we returned to a civil MetaFilter?

Reasonable and reasoned talk about the war? a global warming thread where people correct themselves and say "climate change"? Is Mefi returning to civility? Which is to say, normality???
posted by UncleFes on Apr 8, 2003 - 32 comments

Nice way of handling a newbie.

A pat on the back, guys. Some positive feedback for once: veteran MeFites gently pointing out guidelines to a newby.

"Welcome...anyway!" Very classy.
posted by jennak on Sep 29, 2001 - 6 comments

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