9 posts tagged with Users and email.
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Searching for users by email address?

I tried to gift a membership to a minor internet celebrity, but I got the message "It appears your friend already has an account, as this email address is in use". Really? That's cool -- now who is it? Can there be a way of entering in an address and getting a username back, so I can add that account to my contacts?
posted by ewagoner on Feb 22, 2008 - 71 comments

Why don't you put your email address in your profile?

It's good to see you. You're looking well, but I'm curious about something. Why don't you put your email address in your profile? It's just something I've been wondering about so I thought I'd raise it as a way of encouraging people to add their email to their profile page - go on, nothing bad will happen. In fact, good things might just follow.
posted by peacay on Jan 9, 2006 - 100 comments

Pre-MeMail email etiquette question

Last week I posted a music question to AskMe. To be honest, I really, really wanted one particular user to answer (he/she did) because I know from their previous answers that they know a lot about recording/playing music. What I want to know, though, is whether it would have been considered bad etiquette to email this person directly, after hunting down their address via the home URL on their profile. Basically - an unsolicited email. If you received such an email from a fellow Mefite would you consider it spamming and/or somehow taking advantage of the "community"?
posted by bunglin jones on Mar 25, 2005 - 34 comments

Could I suggest that e-mail addresses are hidden...?

[My Little Pony] There seems to be a little concern now that registrations are open again, that for the bargain price of five dollars a spammer could get access to a large number of e-mail addresses. Could I suggest that e-mail addresses are hidden and a posting form put in it's place so we can remain easily contactable?
posted by dodgygeezer on Mar 13, 2005 - 33 comments

I think Matt should require an e-mail address to be posted.

It's really frustrating that so many Mefi people don't have e-mail addresses posted on their member page. In fact, it's really inexcusable given the ability to obtain free secondary and terciary e-mail addresses.

While no one can be forced to read their e-mail (or have the Mefi address mails forwarded to a primary one, I think Matt should require an e-mail address to be posted.
posted by ParisParamus on Feb 16, 2005 - 86 comments

Was this user banned?

has 111 been banned ?
posted by sgt.serenity on Jul 9, 2004 - 98 comments

Emails in Profiles

I think it's fantastic that our email addresses are now shielded from non-members, but that still means that 13,000 people are free to send anonymous flames to any member--or to sign them up for spam. How about this: Instead of the profile page displaying the email address, it shows an email form. One would have to be logged in to use it, the sender's username would show up in the email, and the recipient's address would remain hidden.
posted by jpoulos on Apr 26, 2002 - 26 comments

announcement: non-logged in users can no longer see contact info.

I made a slight change to the user pages. Logged in users see everything as it was before, but non-logged in users don't see any contact information except for websites URLs. I had long worried about the spam thwarting measures I have employed not being good enough, and I've also been hearing about non-members hassling members for memberships, posting, etc. So with the new change, non-members won't be able to harvest addresses, or send you an email (unless you've got it listed on your homepage URL somewhere), and they won't know your AIM/ICQ or location.
posted by mathowie on Mar 15, 2002 - 34 comments

Hatemail from MeFi.

I feel so darn tootin' speshul -- I just recieved my first MeFi hate mail, anonymous or otherwise! Do I get a prize?

Should I be commending perogi for at least signing the email? Or are hate mailers still cowards for not spewing publicly on MeFi or MeTa?
posted by lia on Jun 2, 2001 - 21 comments

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