4 posts tagged with Users and profile.
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Add something about other online communites to the profile page.
It would be nice if the question Are there any other community weblogs where you regularly participate? could be added to the standard welcome questionnaire ("What's the deal with your nickname? When did you first start using the Internet?" etc.) [More inside.]
Erased My Profile
OK, I'm a dumbhead. I overwrote all the stuff in my profile page by accident. Neither the Wayback Machine nor Google have a cache of it. Is there any way to get it back?
What are some great profile pages?
vacapinta's extraordinary user page sadly no longer seems to be updated - any other user page treats I'm missing out on?
announcement: non-logged in users can no longer see contact info.
I made a slight change to the user pages. Logged in users see everything as it was before, but non-logged in users don't see any contact information except for websites URLs. I had long worried about the spam thwarting measures I have employed not being good enough, and I've also been hearing about non-members hassling members for memberships, posting, etc. So with the new change, non-members won't be able to harvest addresses, or send you an email (unless you've got it listed on your homepage URL somewhere), and they won't know your AIM/ICQ or location.