4 posts tagged with Violence and mefi.
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It's hard to tell in text if a threat is serious, so don't do it.

It is ever so much a shame that one . . . can not be sure of getting away with offering $500 to see a specific user harmed. Because if I could, I would -- and I am dead bloody serious about this -- offer that much to see him hurt very badly.

This is just wrong.
posted by caddis on Aug 23, 2005 - 337 comments

advocating violence, threats of police, not cool

'Keep it up; I'd be more than happy to forward your name to the RCMP'. That seems a bit out of line, doesn't it?
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken on Jul 4, 2005 - 156 comments

Violent threats not funny

Violent threats. Even if it's a joke, it's not funny and not cool.
posted by squirrel on Feb 5, 2004 - 63 comments

Is a call for a beatdown an appropriate response to bad taste?

I'm curious about the etiquette issues involved in today's thread about teen sex. Aside from the issue of the tastelessness of this joke, what is the relative appropriateness of the suggestion that someone should commit violence upon the joker? Is a call for a beatdown an appropriate response to bad taste?

posted by redfoxtail on Jan 16, 2001 - 26 comments

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