6 posts tagged with War and iraq.
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War, what is is good for?

Can we have a moratorium on context free posts on how weird and crazy one of the "axis-of-evil" members is while there's a significant probability that US arms will be used against them? [more inside]
posted by ennui.bz on Feb 5, 2012 - 35 comments

Sidebarred comment about Intentional Instability Model is a conspiracy theory

I see that jefgodesky's summary of Jeff Vail's "Intentional Instability Model" has been linked to the sidebar. I suppose this is somewhat subjective, but I'd describe it as a conspiracy theory backed by no evidence whatsoever, not really the best of MetaFilter.

The historical description of British policy also seems completely bogus to me. The British regarded the Middle East as their lifeline to India. It makes no sense for them to have deliberately set up Iraq to fail.
posted by russilwvong on Jun 22, 2006 - 26 comments

Tired of bush/iraq/war/terror posts

Could someone skilled in JavaScript please compose a script for the Firefox extension Greasemonkey that will remove any FPP with "Bush", "Iraq", or "War on Terror" appearing in the text? It would also be great if this script could allow custom word filtering.
posted by sjvilla79 on Dec 15, 2005 - 82 comments

Too graphic for the front page?

too graphic for metafilter?
posted by specialk420 on Jan 26, 2005 - 214 comments

No longer impending

From here:
If you're going to make a post related to Iraq and the impending war, please reconsider, as the topic has been discussed previously many times.
Um. Impending?
I know - a minor quibble.
posted by armoured-ant on Nov 30, 2003 - 38 comments

Can we have an alternative frontpage where all the posts which mention Iraq are filtered out?

Can we have an alternative frontpage where all the posts which mention Iraq are filtered out? I'm getting a bit tired of this war thing and would like to enjoy my MetaFilter Iraq free. Something like www.metafilter.com/noiraq.mefi would be greatly appreciated!
posted by sebas on Mar 22, 2003 - 42 comments

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