6 posts tagged with charity and community.
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What happened to Winter Wishes? A's and Q's from the most recent host.
And what should happen with Winter Wishes?
For those who don't know, Winter Wishes is a program by New York Cares where kids, teens, and elders write letters with their gift hopes during the holiday season. For 11 years, MetaFilter, as "MeFi Cares," gave to those in less fortunate circumstances. And not just monetarily. And eventually, we expanded our reach to other giving. Please see my MetaTalk post history for complete info on the last several years we participated, including photos, though I'll summarize below.
I'm writing this right now because we seem to have more engagement on MeTa given new, hopeful developments, and because... well, 'tis the season. Please pardon me for the length of this, but I want to be as detailed and informative and honest as possible. [more inside]
The holidays are here and whether you celebrate Christmas or not, it's a time where people often spend money buying gifts for friends and family. I thought it would be cool to have a place where we might think of others. It'd be nice if we could share some links to places on the web, local organizations and communities that we can donate money to. It would signal boost these places and provide an opportunity to share some joy with others less fortunate than ourselves.
Bet on books, help kids get books
The Morning News is throwing their annual Tournament of Books to figure out the best book of 2007. A new twist this year is the Making Book Tournament where you bet on what the winner will be, with the proceeds going to First Book, a literacy foundation. MeFi is dollar matching bets up to $1,000 for the contest.
Charity contest idea
Last week's fundraiser became a sad debacle, and there's certainly no point retreading that ground. But I really like the idea of MeFites raising money for charity, and I think it's fun to make it a competition. I came up with an idea for a new, and hopefully friendlier and less divisive, contest for charity. I'd like to hear what you folks think. [more inside]
MeFi Help for Katrina Students?
We used to sponsor a Mefi scholarship. There will be so many displaced students from Katrina - maybe we could reinstitute some Mefi scholarships for kids who need to relocate or change colleges? Just a potential idea for a way we could hep as a community.
Cheap bastards
from todays' dack.com
"What's wrong with this picture? In a few short weeks Andrew Sullivan's weblog has collected almost $3500 in microdonations. By contrast, Metafilter -- a community site where people feel like stakeholders, and presumably have a greater motivation for giving -- has been stuck at about $750 for weeks. Are the musings of a Catholic gay conservative really that popular? Or are Metafilter readers just cheap bastards?"
"What's wrong with this picture? In a few short weeks Andrew Sullivan's weblog has collected almost $3500 in microdonations. By contrast, Metafilter -- a community site where people feel like stakeholders, and presumably have a greater motivation for giving -- has been stuck at about $750 for weeks. Are the musings of a Catholic gay conservative really that popular? Or are Metafilter readers just cheap bastards?"