4 posts tagged with closed and policy.
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Why are threads closed?

Why are threads closed to new comments after 30 days in AskMetafilter? [more inside]
posted by b33j on Sep 3, 2011 - 54 comments

Can we close bad AskMe threads that take off?

I can recall a few times in recent history where a thread that failed to meet the guidelines of AskMetafilter stayed around for a while because no one happened to be around to nip it in the bud -- and then the thread accumulated so many interesting answers that people had gotten attached to it and Matt was reluctant to delete it. I sympathize with this reluctance but also feel that appropriate deletions are good for preventing the mission of AskMe from drifting too far afield. Would the ability to close AskMe threads be a good compromise solution for these cases?
posted by redfoxtail on Mar 6, 2005 - 42 comments

Updated link for closed thread?

What does one do with an updated link for something that's already been posted, after the thread's been closed? (More inside...)
posted by me3dia on Jul 30, 2003 - 21 comments

Closed thread means not-a-double policy

"Um, isn't this a kinda sorta double-post? [/meanie]"
"This thread is over 30 days old, and has been closed for archival purposes."
So it being a repost is not relevant. I propose a mortatorium on such statements, now that it is hard coded that threads are officially dead after one month. Comments pro & con are welcome herein.
posted by ZachsMind on Sep 11, 2002 - 12 comments

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