8 posts tagged with deletions and deletion.
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Mormon temple ceremonies

I think other versions of this post linking to a video of Mormon temple ceremonies ought to stand if they're offered. [more inside]
posted by XMLicious on Oct 22, 2012 - 212 comments

Deleting the thumbs down?

Were there some comments deleted from this post? [more inside]
posted by XMLicious on Jun 4, 2012 - 59 comments

Time stamp for posterity.

Could we get a time stamp added to deletion reasons? They are the only type of comment that isn't time stamped, so all we know is that the deletion occurred sometime after the last comment (or sometime between posting and any comments).
posted by OmieWise on Dec 23, 2011 - 42 comments

deleted militarization thread

Not sure why the "Militarization of Consumer Companies" thread by five fresh fish was killed? [more inside]
posted by ornate insect on May 19, 2008 - 81 comments

Let me google that for you

Should questions like this be deleted?
posted by matthewr on Jan 22, 2007 - 69 comments

Deletion Reason

I find the deletion reason for this thread to be insulting and in poor taste. Why not use your time instead to fix up your server, which has been slow and unresponsive for the past few days?
posted by boo_radley on Nov 7, 2006 - 99 comments

Plea for editorial discretion when deleting AskMe comments

YA plea for editorial discretion/benevolent neglect. [greater within]
posted by kenko on Feb 19, 2005 - 87 comments

MeFi post deletion query

noticed a link I posted yesterday was removed? why? It would be nice for any moderator or higher up to e mail someone telling why the link was removed
posted by hoopyfrood on Sep 18, 2002 - 23 comments

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