5 posts tagged with fantastic and favorites.
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Fly your favorite flag
If I flag a comment, I can choose one of several default options. One of the options is "fantastic comment", and the others are terrible. Why can't I choose "fantastic" when I favorite a comment? [more inside]
Singling out the best single links
What are the best single-link posts in MeFi history? [more inside]
That psychedelic elephant is FANTASTIC!
The 'fantastic' flag: I know it's been called "outdated", and people have asked for it to be removed. Who cares about that! I would really like to know how many people use it, how it is used, and how the mods react to it being used. [more inside]
Don't need no fantastic flag
Suggestion: get rid of the 'fantastic post/comment' flag, and replace it wholeheartedly by the favoriting engine. In particular, recode the fantastic questions and answers page to pull the most favorited Qs and As, rather than the most flagged. For a brief interval there, that page was the best way to see the best of AskMeFi, but its usefulness is fading as people move to faving things rather than flagging them. Also, it would be super-ultra-mega-cool to have an analog of that page for the blue.
Have Favorites made the "Fantastic" flag obsolete?
With the advent of the Favorites feature, has the 'fantastic post' flag been made obsolete? For instance, this question was only given two fantastics, but is a favorite of 32 users. This pattern is exhibited in nearly every question on the fantastic questions page. Are people no longer flagging posts as fantastic? Should these two features be combined, or one be eliminated?