5 posts tagged with favorites and policy.
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Tired of arbitrary favorites. A call for orthodoxy.
Favorites! Where do I start? Some people don't get enough. Some people get too many. The system we have now is broken. We need a more orthodox approach to give out faves. They have to MEAN SOMETHING, people! [more inside]
best comment ever?
Why do we not want most popular comments from all time available, the way it is for posts? [more inside]
These are a few of my favorited things...
Just curious about something... when someone answers an AskMe question and it gets marked as one of the best answers, shouldn't that also count for them as being favorited by someone? Or... no?
policy favorites comments
Can we please get rid of the '1 user marked this as favorite' crap?
Disabling Favoriting of Anonymous AskMe Posts?
Displaying users who have marked Anonymous questions in AskMe as a favorite is potentially revealing of who Anonymous was in that instance. It is also potentially harmful, both to users who mark such questions as a favorite, as well as to future discourse at Metafilter in general. So I suggest that we remove the list at the start of the thread of those who marked an Anonymous question as a favorite. [more inside]