5 posts tagged with gratitude and thanks.
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Secret Quonsar 2019 THANK YOU!

Thrilled and honored to be the first to post a THANK YOU to -- I don't know who specifically, but the kind and generous soul who honored my request to be sent "anything made of dark chocolate that comes from their corner of the universe." I am now the very, very happy recipient of 6 glorious bars of superior dark chocolate from Toronto. I shall savor every bite. [more inside]
posted by pjsky on Nov 15, 2019 - 427 comments

Publicly thanking a Mefite

Is there an area of MetaFilter for publicly appreciating an especially generous poster? [more inside]
posted by R2WeTwo on Apr 9, 2019 - 17 comments

Just a note of thanks, really

Hey hey. After a year and a half in gestation, I'm in the process of wrapping up a manuscript for delivery to my publisher this week. And so now I'm finally getting to what is, by far, my favorite aspect of working on a book, which is writing the Acknowledgments. And you're in them! [more inside]
posted by adamgreenfield on Aug 15, 2016 - 40 comments

As a lurker, thank you, MetaFilter, for so much.

I've lurked here since at least 2011. If the following sounds like hyperbole, it's not: MetaFilter has been a huge, positive, and transforming part of my life. I need to say something now or never. I'll try to keep the emotionality at a minimum. No promises, though, so forgive me in advance. [more inside]
posted by quiet earth on May 20, 2014 - 38 comments

Best $5 I ever spent.

AskMe saved me more than TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS. Thank you! Thank you! [more inside]
posted by visual mechanic on Jun 18, 2009 - 51 comments

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