3 posts tagged with introduction.
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Threads for introducing new people to metafilter

There was a doc a member put together that was a bunch of links to threads they felt were a good introduction to metafilter, for people who had never heard of metafilter. I swore I bookmarked it, but where? [more inside]
posted by [insert clever name here] on Jun 30, 2018 - 9 comments

Best Metafilter posts for outsiders?

I have, over the years, tried to convince IRL friends of the awesomeness of metafilter. But getting them interested is daunting- there is so much history and culture here. Any given day the front page posts are good; but if you're not familiar with the site, can seem like just a collection of links with discussion. So what threads/posts/discussions do you use to really show off metafilter to people unfamiliar with it? Are there any standout posts you use time and again to people unfamiliar with metafilter? This isn't the best metafilter posts, exactly, as some of the best posts jusdged by mefites may be too culturally specific to hook someone on the outside looking in. [more inside]
posted by [insert clever name here] on Jul 25, 2017 - 45 comments

Isn't this profile question getting a bit dated?

What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say "wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?" Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it. [more inside]
posted by brownpau on Jun 11, 2004 - 42 comments

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