10 posts tagged with link and post.
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pony request: auto link obvious urls in posts

I'm not a huge voice on this site but I'm a regular visitor. I often read, and occasionally comment from my phone. It'd be nice if the URLs added in comments were auto linked, it would make it easier for both posters and readers. I understand that their can be ambiguity in URLs but maybe we could make some simplifying assumptions, such as anything matching http://(optional.)(whatever).(whatever) gets linked. I'll keep visiting either way.
posted by askmehow on Sep 20, 2013 - 54 comments

The Joy of FPPing

To people who have done this; why did you create Front Page Post(s) on MetaFilter? The motivations are interesting in themselves, and may also provide positive reasons for people to cross the rubicon from lurker to poster. [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on Dec 7, 2012 - 118 comments

Linking as approval?

Is linking to a site endorsement of a site? [more inside]
posted by the man of twists and turns on Dec 4, 2012 - 94 comments

...the primary buffer panel just fell off my gorram post for no apparent reason...

So, I made a post last week and now the main link (the only one above the "more inside") is broken. It's a youtube video that was apparently removed by the copyright holder. What is normally done in these situations? Do y'all summarily delete? Ignore? Is it at all possible (or even worth it) to re-work the post? [more inside]
posted by zarq on Nov 5, 2012 - 11 comments

Bringing out the dead

My first pony. [more inside]
posted by Trurl on Sep 1, 2011 - 42 comments

wanna come over and watch a movie?

I download what I imagine might be legally construed as "copyrighted material" all thie time. But I'm actually upset with this post because I know some people that worked on US v. John Lennon. (Double standard, I know.) So are there any guidelines about posting full-length, copyrighted movies? Is this post this even in good taste? Where's the context? Does it have any intent other than to illegally distribute a movie? Is this even a problem?
posted by phaedon on Jun 3, 2007 - 54 comments

Made a mistake in one of my links.

Matt or Jess, small glitch in my post....
posted by wheelieman on May 1, 2006 - 3 comments

Poetic FFP screening.

Within AskMe I offered a link
To a site that's quite helpful, I think
And I threw in a line
re: a pet cause of mine
As a post to the blue, would this stink?
posted by stupidsexyFlanders on Feb 18, 2005 - 12 comments

Remember single-link posts?

Remember single-link posts?

A glance at the front page soon reveals they are now the exception rather than the rule. This is perhaps due to MeTa influence. You know: "Add a link or two for context/to show you care/as proof you can google". And yet great single-link posts, like this one, are probably the most appealing and difficult to get right. Not least because I suspect most users will only click on what they assume is the main link. Have multi-link posts become the norm or are they just a passing trend?
posted by MiguelCardoso on Oct 28, 2002 - 24 comments

Too many links in post

How many links does a front page post have before they become irritating?
posted by Spoon on Feb 20, 2002 - 25 comments

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