6 posts tagged with location and pony.
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Are there questions nearby?
Location-specific AskMe pony. [more inside]
Feature request to list new askme posts by poster proximity
[AskMe Pony] Picture it: "There have been 16 new questions (3 near you) and 128 answers posted since your last visit."
Choose map/lat-long or zipcode
Is there any way to make it possible to choose between the map/lat-long feature and the zipcode list or list without a map? [mi]
Geocoder no good for Canadians
The Latitude/Longitude geocoder linked on the "customize" pages doesn't work too well for Canadians (it thought the city I lived in was somewhere in Alberta), so I found geocoder.ca, which allows more specific lat/long inputs for Canadians. Could we link this off the "customize" page, please?
Nearby Users outside the US?
Has anyone ever come up with a method or numbering scheme that would allow the "Users Near This User" option to work for non-US members? If not, could something be developed? (For example, are there unused Zip code numbers that could be designated to major world cities, regions or countries and which would then allow me to see other Canadians who live in my city or at least province?)
lat/lon still on the "to do" list?
The survey thread reminded me: are latitudes/longitudes for the "users near this user" feature still on the to do list?