5 posts tagged with login and askme.
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I don't know you

Cannot log in to AskMeFi under MacOS with Firefox. Can under Safari. [more inside]
posted by megatherium on Jan 21, 2009 - 12 comments

AskMe feature suggestion

I think it'd be cool if when posting as anonymous on AskMe, you had the option to provide a separate password which would let you log in as anonymous just for the thread you're creating and post comments. The main benefit is that it would allow responders to ask for more information. The main risk I see is that someone could out themselves by accident if they forgot to log in as anonymous before commenting...
posted by Coventry on Nov 19, 2007 - 47 comments


This is what I see visiting AskMe. Attempting to log in returns a Forbidden error page. What up?
posted by Evstar on Aug 21, 2007 - 8 comments

Login problems

When I tried to login to AskMe from University today, I was logged in as normal and pushed to the Metafilter front page. Whenever I tried to get back to AskMe I would be logged out again. Was this a short term bug or an anti-University design feature? Can we be directed to the page we are trying to login from?
posted by vizsla on Jun 11, 2007 - 9 comments

I'm forbidden to access http://ask.metafilter.com/login/.

I'm forbidden to access http://ask.metafilter.com/login/.

Obviously I can log in without any trouble from the main site, but the login from ask.metafilter isn't working.
posted by Yelling At Nothing on Dec 16, 2006 - 3 comments

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