2 posts tagged with namecalling by y2karl.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.
Personal Vendetta Filter
Personal Vendetta Filter: dhoyt links to a comment amberglow made yesterday on Metachat. In doing so, dhoyt continues to insist on taking shots at members on his shit list in threads where they have made no comment whatsoever. This penchant for personal attacks is getting sick. All too often, he uses this place as a sort of personal emotional toxic waste dump where he can vent some jealousy, spite and malice at whoever is on his shit list du jour. This particular time his little chickenshit cheapshot was just a little too obsessive-compulsive over-the-top.
takes one to know one
I will withhold the obscenities your mental capacity and nature evokes, and simply say: how stupid, how depraved you are.
I've seen fairly impressive spin, but this is a work of art. It takes a special strain of immorality to lie that well.
I've seen fairly impressive spin, but this is a work of art. It takes a special strain of immorality to lie that well.