3 posts tagged with noobs by UbuRoivas.
Displaying 1 through 3 of 3.

Happy $5 noob day

Because I live in the future, I might as well kick off the annual $5 noob anniversary thread.
posted by UbuRoivas on Nov 18, 2015 - 108 comments

Happy Mefday to us!

The first wave of $5 noobs celebrate our sixth birthday today. $5 noobs are a community weblog project that allows participants to make comments & posts to MetaFilter on their home or business machines.
posted by UbuRoivas on Nov 18, 2010 - 136 comments

Happy fourth birthday!

Happy birthday to us - four years old today! [more inside]
posted by UbuRoivas on Nov 17, 2008 - 93 comments

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