6 posts tagged with notification and askme.
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Pony Request: Email Notifications for Anon Questions?

When I submit an anonymous AskMe question, it would be great to have some way to track it. I've had situations where I've thought a question was removed from the queue because I missed it on the front page of the Green, or where I have gone back and tried to find a past anon question of mine and not had an easy way to locate it. An email notification when it gets posted would help me solve these problems. Is there any reason I haven't thought of why this wouldn't work, or would be a bad idea?
posted by capricorn on Jul 10, 2015 - 18 comments

(1 new feature?)

Can there be an optional icon which lights up when a new answer has come in to your AskMe question(s)? [more inside]
posted by overeducated_alligator on Dec 22, 2010 - 36 comments

Email notifications to AskMe threads

Is there a good way to get email notifications of updates to AskMe threads? [more inside]
posted by Blazecock Pileon on Dec 3, 2008 - 17 comments

Temporary commenting lockout for bad behavior in AskMe?

Temporary commenting lockout for bad behavior in AskMe? Details and thoughts inside. [more inside]
posted by baphomet on Mar 19, 2008 - 128 comments

Admins, please help!

Help! a question I asked yesterday on ask.metafilter disappeared. I received no message from admin about it. I looked both in my recent activity and on the questions posted yesterday. Yet I am not allowed to post another question for a week. My question was not inappropriate in any way and I should have been contacted if it was. I demand the question restored (it was: tips on looking for a new job while currently employed) or to have the right to post another question immediately. I also emailed this via the contact form.
posted by spacefire on Jun 21, 2007 - 23 comments

Notification of need to cooperate with LEO?

I've noticed that many AskMe threads (like this one) dealing with potential crimes and/or civil suits could be subpoened as evidence if the right person connected the dots. Should there be a notice on the anonymous question page that Metafilter may be compelled by law to release the IP address of anonymous posters?
posted by justkevin on Dec 27, 2005 - 40 comments

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