4 posts tagged with notifications and meetups.
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IRL pony request: participant notification
The creator of an IRL event has the option to be notified by email when a comment is added to the post. How much trouble would it be to add notifications to those who are attending (including Maybes)? Is this something others would find useful?
Opting out of series of IRL posts.
Pony request: an option to opt out of IRL posts that come up on a regular basis. [more inside]
IRL Request: When posting, notification of other IRL events on same day
As someone who frequently posts IRL events, I'd really love if, when I previewed the post, the page told me about other meetups on that day within a 50 mile radius of my location. It would be awesome, because then I could say, "Oh, so-and-so is having their ice cream meetup that afternoon; I'll just make the post for the next week instead." It would also have the benefit of showing me events that might be outside the radius I've set for my own personal IRL notifications, but that might still be in range for attendees. What do you think? Would other IRL posters appreciate such a feature?
Meetup notifications in Profile?
My Pony would like to meet other Ponies. [more inside]