8 posts tagged with posting and post.
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Pony request: mobile edition or better responsiveness

I have trouble posting to Meta on my phone. I don't access any personal accounts on my work laptop during the day but when I'm at lunch by myself I'm reading Metafilter on my phone. Here's what I see when I try to post a comment or AskMe response. This is the latest version of Chrome on the latest version of iOS on an iPhone 7.

Portrait: The post box is much wider than the screen and the keyboard is over the box as well. It requires much scrolling left and right which causes a back button event if you aren't careful.

Landscape is even worse. My eyesight isn't what it used to be and I often read in landscape view. But the on-screen keyboard is tall enough to bump into the URL bar and there's no way I can post in landscape view.

I looked at the site in the Chrome dev tools in the mobile view and it looks fine but on the device itself not so much.
posted by bendy on Jun 5, 2018 - 13 comments

unique distinct idiosyncratic peculiar

I've noticed that I use a pair of tags for my front page posts that no other or only a few other posters use. Doing some digging, I've found a few unique or highly limited tags. Do you know of any more? [more inside]
posted by the man of twists and turns on Jul 4, 2014 - 53 comments

Backdoor FPP?

Is there a consensus on "backdoor FPPs?" I have noticed a few - do people think they unnecessarily steer a thread? Takeover discussion? Provide a new viewpoint and welcome context? [more inside]
posted by the man of twists and turns on May 6, 2013 - 70 comments

Putting the "Meta" in "MetaFilter"

Based on the front page, I can tell that other posters use some of the same resources to find potential FPPs that I do. I'll lay my cards on the table, and hope you do the same... [more inside]
posted by the man of twists and turns on Feb 26, 2013 - 84 comments

Mormon temple ceremonies

I think other versions of this post linking to a video of Mormon temple ceremonies ought to stand if they're offered. [more inside]
posted by XMLicious on Oct 22, 2012 - 212 comments

Detynt detente

When crafting a front page post, you may end up using the copy/paste feature of your OS. Some web sites are using Tynt to track copying and insert links and other useless info into your clipboard. John Gruber discusses the annoyance that Tynt causes and how to cut it off at the start.
posted by Blazecock Pileon on May 28, 2010 - 127 comments

AskMe posting descriptions could be clearer

When posting to AskMe there is some confusion on the descriptions of the text boxes. I copied the italicized text from the "Preview Your Question" AskMe posting page.

Below the "Your question" box the text reads:
This will be the "more inside" area where you explain additional details about the question if necessary. If you use this space, don't write "more inside" to the question area, it will automatically be added for you.

Then below the "Extended explanation" box is something similar:
(optional) This will be the "more inside" area where you explain the question fully if necessary and remember there is no need to write "more inside" .....

I found this a little confusing and repetitive. I know that the top box is what would be a FPP, but maybe this could be phrased better? Is the text below the top box supposed to introduce/explain the second box? Of course, I posted a question so now I can't get back to the original "Post a new question" page to see if that is how this is written there.
posted by clgregor on Nov 13, 2005 - 2 comments

Double Posts Must Stop Or Else

I'm sick of double posting. I want to stop double posting. How can I be sure, without manually searching the source codes of every month in the archives, that I'm not double posting? And is there any point in telling someone they've double posted when there's no way they can avoid it?
posted by swift on Jan 28, 2002 - 17 comments

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