4 posts tagged with preferences and fonts.
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Cry JRun Cry!

Blank fields for font sizes in Preferences make JRun cry. Possible SQL Injection attack point?
posted by blue_beetle on Jun 15, 2007 - 6 comments

Why does font size change after login?

Why does font size change after login?

When I come directly to www.metafilter.com (front page), the body text is displayed at what looks to be the default size for my browser. However, as soon as I click the Login link and login, when I am returned to the FPP, the font size being displayed is now larger.

Using Firefox 1.5, WinXP
posted by Dunwitty on Dec 29, 2005 - 7 comments

Font preferences vs headers

In preferences, my font preference is set to Times New Roman. With the new headers in MeFi and MeTa I see the site nav links in a sans serif typeface, as I'd expect, but in AskMe the site nav links appear to be in Times New Roman. Somewhere there's an inconsistency. I'm guessing AskMe is incorrectly using my font preference for its site nav links in the header.
posted by nthdegx on Nov 22, 2005 - 2 comments

I've tweaked things in the preferences pane

For the first time since signing up I've tweaked things in the preferences pane. The main font is now Arial 12 and the minor font is Helvetica 10. It's kinda changed the way I look at the site mentally as well as physically. It feels kinda odd, almost a non authentic interpretation of the site. Is that weird (yes!)?Anyone have any thoughts on their own settings and related perception of the site? (Hope this is in the right section, not quite an AskMe thing)...
posted by brautigan on Nov 21, 2005 - 42 comments

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