10 posts tagged with profile and user.
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Profile tags pony?

MeFi user profiles show a user's most used tags for the Blue and the Green. Could we find a way to add, and would other users be interested in adding, FanFare and maybe MeTa tags to that, too?
posted by hanov3r on Feb 23, 2021 - 5 comments

Anyone home?

Feature request: "last active on:" or "active member" field on user profile page [more inside]
posted by theodolite on Jul 6, 2012 - 53 comments

Looking for Superman

Looking for a MeFi user profile with detailed post ideas posted in the "About" section. [more inside]
posted by reenum on Jan 13, 2012 - 4 comments

Semantic Wording About Favorites

On the user profile page, the "# of comments marked by others as a favorite" is incorrectly worded. I think that the wording should be changed to something like, "# of times contributions by 'user x' were saved by others" instead. Or is it possible to snip the dupes and only include the unique posts and comments that were favorited (in the # itself)? I read this thread, but it didn't seem to discuss the language I'm referring to.
posted by SeizeTheDay on Aug 1, 2006 - 4 comments

NSFW Porn link in user profile

Cedar has posted an interesting AskMe question on how to occupy oneself during three months in the stir. But when curious minds eager for details on how he came to such a predicament click on the Homepage URL link in his user profile page, they're greeted with a "Whoa!!" NSFW porn site.

Shouldn't he warn folks on the profile page? Should I or someone warn readers of the AskMe thread? What's the drill on something like this? [And I hate to be paranoid, but could it be possible this is an attempt to drive traffic to said porn site?]
posted by mojohand on Jun 27, 2006 - 57 comments

Crush isn't Crushing

It was discussed in the Philly meetup thread, but this is the official thread complaining about the fact that the "crush" contact option doesn't seem to work.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero on Jan 31, 2005 - 11 comments

Userpages closed to indexing?

Revisiting this.

Metafilter is the biggest site that I can edit a page (my user page) on. I'd like to have "I am the [my name] that went to so and so school, and so and so high-school and did so-and-so" so that if someone googled my name looking for me, they could find that. However, userpages are marked NOINDEX for robots, for to stop villians from using google to harvest stuff, I assume. Given that it would be trivial to write a script to go through all the user pages and snarf anything, and given that these are The Internets, is there a reasonable expectation that an email address or other information you put on a publicly viewable page will *not* be harvested? Doesn't everyone have a spam-catcher address for this purpose?
posted by Capn on Jan 23, 2005 - 7 comments

Will stats for AskMe be available on the profile page?

Are we adding stats for AskMe to a user's info page? That is how I mostly keep track of threads in which I am usually only marginally involved. If this has been covered before I openly apologize.
posted by xmutex on Jan 30, 2004 - 3 comments

Profile website

What's the deal with weblogs in user pages? No harm intended, just want to know.
posted by will on May 9, 2003 - 37 comments

AIM Username on Profile Pages Bug

Teeny tiny bug time: In the AIM link on the user profile pages, any screenname with a space character breaks the URL. For example, pikachu lolita's AIM link gets shortened to just "pikachu" when clicked on.

Easy fix, change space characters to plus symbols. In other words, change this to this.
posted by waxpancake on Jul 17, 2001 - 2 comments

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