2 posts tagged with reminders.
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US-centric voting reminder

So, there's the 'vote reminder' on the top of each and every thread then. That's fabulous, truely. It'd be nicer if it only displayed if a user's $location == 'USA'? I won't mention the amount of worthless VoteFilter posts it'll encourage...
posted by metaxa on Sep 30, 2004 - 6 comments

Email Reminder Request

this isn't a request for matt, really (i know there are lots of those) - i think anyone could do this with a little screen-scraping and not too much server load. how about a daily (or 6/12 hourly? or step-wise, every 1, 4, 16, 64 replies...) email service to tell you if there have been any replies to threads you've posted on. this would be for those of us who only post a couple of comments or less a day - helps keep you in the discussion without having to run through threads checking for possible responses.
posted by andrew cooke on Mar 22, 2003 - 15 comments

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