7 posts tagged with research and askme.
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For want of effort.
Is it worth flagging AskMe questions that seem to have been asked without any attempt by the user to answer the question? They may contain a "legitimate" question, but the user has clearly failed to make the effort prior to posting.
I'm asking not in reaction to a specific post, although there was one recently, but just to know if it's worth the effort, and would such questions be likely to be removed?
Since when is it okay for a user to ask Mefi to do his research for him? (or her) This person wants studies and research as opposed to personal stories... so isn't that just asking us to google it for him/her?
Ask MeFi made Business Week's Best of the Web list for "Research"
I just realized today that Ask MeFi made Business Week's Best of the Web list for "Research" but I didn't notice in time to have everyone stuff the ballot box on public voting so we got last place. heh.
Pepsi Blue in a new bottle?
Is this sort of thing just Pepsi Blue in a new bottle? Recently there was an AskMe post about men's shaving products that I know was a case of lazyweb market research (because the poster admitted as much on a certain orange-and-blue-themed site before he posted it), and I didn't say anything then, but I wonder if a) this is more of the same and b) whether the community at large cares if AskMe gets used this way.
Why Medical Questions?
Last week, SpecialK wondered aloud on MeTa, "Why do people keep asking medical questions on AskMe?". Here's a Pew Research report that talks about how and why people look for health information online. Also see Eszter Hargittai's Crooked Timber post on this study and another, along with her other posts and writings. (I posted here because it's too narrow-interest for MeFi and is in reponse to an AskMe etiquette question. Also, it's not bitching or a callout.)