2 posts tagged with script by Bugbread.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.

General call to scriptmakers!

The new MeFi redesign seems fairly stable (like, pb's not going to do a massive rollback tomorrow or anything), and I'm sure there are a lot of people using various scripts which don't work any more. I've thought about asking individual script writers about updates, but I don't know which scripts have been abandoned, which are active, etc., plus I know that other people are using all kinds other scripts, so here's a general call to script users: If you're using a script and it no longer works, post it here! And a general call to script writers: If you think "Aw, I'm sure nobody cares about my ole script anymore", give the thread a look! If you see people posting that your script isn't working with the redesign, that means your script is still loved! Consider giving it an update, if you have the time!
posted by Bugbread on Sep 30, 2014 - 76 comments

MetaFilthy bug?

I know that this is an issue best addressed by the creator of MetaFilthy, but before I email him, I wanted to make sure that it's really a MetaFilthy bug, and not some problem on my end, and Metafilter is pretty much guaranteed to have the internet's largest population of MetaFilthy users. So: Is anyone getting a MetaFilthy bug when they open a MeFi page saying "Exception in Metafilthy.showIfValidURL NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR Index or size is negative or greater than the allowed amount line 1012 of undefined undefined"?
posted by Bugbread on Mar 2, 2007 - 39 comments

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