5 posts tagged with secretquonsar and secretsnowflake.
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Secret quonsar 2012: Signups Are Open. Let the quonsing begin!

It's secret quonsar time again! The randomized draw will be on American Thanksgiving, November 22, and the send by date is Monday, December 3. Please sign up by 11:59 PM EST on Tuesday, November 20. The spending guideline: $10-20. [more inside]
posted by julen on Nov 12, 2012 - 485 comments

secret quonsar 2012 planning time

secret quonsar swap time is fast approaching! Last year, we had hundreds of participants from locations around the world. It was fun. But before we can get to swapping this year, we have a few preliminary things to resolve. Fa la la la la. La. [more inside]
posted by julen on Nov 5, 2012 - 63 comments

Secret quonsar 2011 roundup

It's Secret quonsar Roundup Time! We're trying to make sure everyone gets their gift this year. Please check your email and respond if you have an email from us. If you have any questions talk to us Meanwhile, we thought we'd share some fun statistics and next steps. [more inside]
posted by julen on Dec 29, 2011 - 49 comments

secret quonsar 2011: Signups are Open!

It's secret quonsar time again! The randomized draw will be on American Thanksgiving, November 24, and the send by date is Monday, December 5. Please sign up by 11:59 PM EST on Tuesday, November 22. Spending Limit: $15. Note: We are doing things a bit differently this year. [more inside]
posted by julen on Nov 11, 2011 - 181 comments

Secret Quonsar 2009

Secret Quonsar (/snowflake /schmoopy) signups end in one week. Here's the signup link. [more inside]
posted by IndigoRain on Nov 23, 2009 - 107 comments

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