7 posts tagged with sexism and misogyny.
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You sound just like a _____!

There is currently a practice across Metafilter, especially within Metafilter proper (the Blue) and Metatalk (the Grey) of making personal attacks against other users that I feel undermines the community aspect of the site. The attacks I am concerned with most often take the form of ugly insinuations that the user is deliberately derailing, trolling or using common tactics which are allegedly known to be popular with (in alphabetical order, thee could be more, these are all I could think of when I set about making this thread):
  • Anti-Semites
  • Bigots
  • Conservatives
  • Misogynists
  • MRAs
  • PUAs
  • Racists
  • Redditors (specifically, usually The Red Pill subreddit)
  • TERFs
  • Transmisogonists
[more inside]
posted by misha on Sep 8, 2014 - 1208 comments

Revisiting misogyny on Metafilter

The comments of this Metafilter post about misogynist songs at Trader Joes demonstrates that our work to keep Metafilter free from sexism is far from over. [more inside]
posted by divabat on Jun 11, 2014 - 1844 comments

4 of the 5 most recent posts on the front page are about sexism

How do we feel about this?
posted by Diablevert on Sep 30, 2013 - 346 comments

What gives?

Seeing that, by any other name pundit Frank Rich's essentially anti Clinton bloviaton was given space on the blue for the measure of 131 comments last I looked, I thought it appropriate to post two articles that past muster with Washington Post and was found politically and factually correct to be published. One is about the misogynistic comments across the board against Hillary Clinton --and Howard Dean and the DNC's silence about it, and the other is about the newest wave of belittling "Poor Hillary." Both articles reveal the difficulties the Democrats may face by their own antagonized and disenfranchised Hillary supporters, which I believe worthy of consideration. Yet the post disappeared in a hurry without a trace. What gives?
posted by semmi on May 16, 2008 - 234 comments

Please accept my apology

Back in January, I posted a pretty offensive thread. I'm not sure if this is appropriate for MetaTalk, but I would like to apologize for it. I was in a bad place at the time, and hope that anyone who was offended will forgive me for this indiscretion.
posted by reenum on Jun 19, 2007 - 54 comments

This thread is just turning into "dump on women"

I think this thread is just turning into a "dump on women" thread.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero on Oct 22, 2006 - 258 comments

there's trolls in there, lots of them.

there's trolls in there, lots of them.

holloway leads the pack, but there are a few others walking right behind.

matt, have you even looked at this thread? it's really offensive, completely unproductive as a conversation--the misogynists came
out of the woodwork too quickly for that.

honestly, if it were me, I'd boot a few people, but you might consider at least pulling the thread....

posted by rebeccablood on Sep 27, 2000 - 16 comments

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